Valentine's Day Hatch

Yay, Iowa Blues!

I have a few peeping. I think its some Iowa Blue eggs.

WOW! That's amazing! Who did you get them from and what breed?!?!

my hatch is done with 16 babies. it was a stressful weekend, most of my chicks were hatched on or before friday day and i had one egg in there pipped for over 30 hours so i started messing with it in my complete impatience. for 12 hours i would take off a little shell and put it back in the bator, tear some membrane and put it back, i really wanted it to hatch itself cuz i was afraid if i did all the work it would be weak. but around midnight i had enough, i thought it would die either way so started to hatch it, freaking out when i saw the umbilical cord still attached and IN USE. oh my goodness was i terrified i had just screwed up big time. so i put it on a wet rag and put it back and left it alone til sunday morning, when i woke up to 2 more chicks! that one, and their little sibling.

Last day for courting rooster photos.... and.... Happy VD!
I've got a bunch of Iowa Blues and Iowa Blue/EEs hatched. Looks like it will be nearly all of those! The remaining 6 shipped eggs are pipping in all the wrong places. Probably not going to end well for most of them
I'm hesitant to help because the last 2 I helped one chick didn't have any eyes and the other died at 3 days old anyway. I'm beginning to agree with those folks that believe if they can't hatch on their own, they probably shouldn't.
As of this morning, I have 22 chicks hatched and at least another 6 pips. Only one left of the campines and EEs. I have one Trader Joe chick, looks big and healthy.

And amazingly, the "cage free" eggs I bought, just hoping they had a rooster. I had tossed almost all of them and they were completely infertile. I had a couple that I never saw veining, never saw movement, but the eggs looked "full of chick", there is a tiny pip in one of them.

If that chick hatches, I think it should be Miracle.

Happy Valentine's Day!!

My first chick hatched out at 3:00 AM in the morning, the next two somewhere between then and 6:00 AM (I surpriisingly slept through those two) - So far all three are Easter Eggers; one is mottled with a hint of brown coloration, one is mostly black, doesn't yet appear to be mottled, and one is either gold laced or dun/choc laced gold. They're sooo cute too.

There's several pips right now, but doesn't look like anyone is going to zip for at least a few more minutes.
I just put mine into lockdown, all 6 Serama that started made it to lockdown! Totally black when I candled, just the aircell visible. 3 more days. I swear I'm going to go crazy. I keep thinking I hear peeps but it's either a dog squeak, or a trickle of water from the fish tank, or some other peep. The smallest egg, I keep thinking I see it move! Might just be my knee bumping the table... but then would only that egg appear to jiggle and not all of them??

Not sure how many batches of eggs I've hatched since I've been involved with poultry. You'd think you'd get over this excitement at some point.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
Well 11 of my 12 EBAY eggs hatched!

In addition to that I have 21 of my own fluffy butts, with 2 in the incubator still trying to hatch. Not a bad hatch at all!
Wow, that is a great hatch!!

Congrats, you need to get more of those going. I wouldn't mind having some longcrowers around.

Got all 3 Tomaru hatched!! A 100 percent hatch!! :celebrate They all zipped so fast, and popped out of the egg quickly! They are so cute!! :love Deb- If you want and if my hens are still laying by then, do you want some Tomaru eggs for the Easter hatch? :D
I have one Iowa blue out and fuzzing and 4 more pipped and two more are a rocking
. I have 7 of Nellie's beauteous Ameraucanas fluffed and a feeding and a drinking
!!!! Happy Valentines Day All
!!!! I will check in later but I don't want my most special Valentine to feel neglected
i have apparently joined this hatch!!!!! i had one pip last night around 130am it is still pipped. when i woke up, it is still pipped and i have one thats zipping

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