
They have plenty of d'uccles if you wanted to try some of them again, since you lost the milles :( Did you ever find any of them?
What breeds do you keep? Sounds like a pretty varied flock!

I originally got 12 chicks June of 2012 from Ideal:
  • 2 Anconas - decent USDA Large white egg layers, never broody but they feel the need to physically remind the other girls that THEY are in charge. Would not get them again unless it was a flock of all aggressive breeds
  • 2 Black Australorps - Zorra, the BIG one is a so-so layer of XL to "ducks don't lay that large!" brown eggs and goes broody. Echo is a doofus. She is a great forager and my best layer and though she sometimes makes chicken sounds, she is more likely to squeal, bugle, whistle and crow (just 2 syllables). She was nearly taken by a fox in late April. Took forever to find her after we scared the fox and it dropped her. Found her an hour later across the road, 400' down at the neighbors'. Now you know why the chicken crossed the road. None has ever gone more than ~100' from a building before.
  • 2 Partridge Chanteclers - both broody as all get out. Lovely little trill voice. One just keeled over at 9 months. No idea why. Fine at 8 AM dead but still warm and pliable at 11. I could not feel any obvious abnormalities in her body. The other was taken by a fox in late April this year (same day but sometime before Echo was attacked). When she wasn't broody she was a FABULOUS layer. But since I'm not hatching and brooding chicks, I'm trying the Whites which PRESUMABLY are still good layers but not as broody.
  • 2 Cubalayas. Yard art. Known ahead of time to not be much for laying but DD1 thinks they are Cuuuute! One goes broody several times a year. Good thing they are small and don't eat much since they don't earn their feed. They do have big personalities though. If someone wants yard art and the occasional USDA SMALL egg, they are nice birds and very pretty with their long tails held below horizontal.
  • 2 EEs - one turned out orange and was taken by a fox (presumed) in late April 2014. Pretty decent layer of blue eggs. The other is my second best layer and lays green. She is a partridge pattern.
  • 2 Faverolles - BROODY AS ALL GETOUT. One is sharing chick mothering duty with Zorra, started after she was released from her third trip to the broody box this year. The other is starting day three in the box (2' x 4' x 18" high), this is her FOURTH trip since February. Would not get them again.

Someone(s) like to rip the muff and beard feathers off the Favs and the EE. Poor things are naked necks. I assume it is the Anconas showing their dominance. Many head feathers are also pulled out, once you start, you can't stop until they are "clean"?? I'd think I had a parasite problem if any of the non muffed/bearded girls showed this but they don't. Well Echo did lose a lot of neck feathers when the fox grabbed her but that is different.

The new chicks:
  • 2 Black Australorps ... except that they are clearly NOT BAs, not with those VERY yellow feet. Meyer shipped me 2 Jersey Giants I think.
  • 3 EEs
  • 2 White Rocks

The first 2 gotten because my best layers are a BA and an EE so I figured 4 of each would be good. The White Rocks are supposed to be good layers, even in the winter possibly. Didn't get white chickens the first time around because, well boring being all one color. But I have to say these 2 girls are striking in their "basic white". BAs and WRs also supposedly lay through more years than other breeds.

The White Chantecler chicks? Supposedly good layers through the winter. There are a couple of guys in McIndoe Falls (up by St. J.) that have been breeding them. Since I can't have a rooster, I gave them $100 for 4 pullets to be picked up "sometime". I guess they have had problems with people reserving and not picking up and paying, thus the "up front". Problem is I've heard nothing other than an email back in May saying "see you in the fall", not even a reply to an email I sent a couple of weeks ago to see if they had a general time frame so I can prioritize my tasks. Kinda worrisome.

I know it isn't "Picture Friday" but since I'm new, let's just say I posted these pics of the 8 week old chicks LAST Friday ... even though they were taken 3 days later

Top down:
WR and EE
WR, JG and "Tante Clemence"

The other JG and Zorra's big butt

They are all named by DD1. The Rocks are Yuki (means snow in Japanese) and Angel (because they are white). The EE on the second step from the top is Penelope. She is barred with an orange front and black head. I don't remember the others, I need her to write them all down. We will need leg bands for the Rocks and the Chanteclers (if they do in fact get here). All white is hard to differentiate. The Chanteclers have almost no comb or wattles so telling the from the Rocks will be easy but not within their group.

A couple of them got under her on the roost again last night. Given their size, it can't be comfortable for her even though Zorra could likely pass for a small JG given HER size. The picture doesn't really show it, the little JG isn't that close in size. Zorra is about 50% bigger than the Fav. Don't know if she shoves them out after a time or just sleeps standing up with her wings out.
white rocks are so basic looking -but I think you will be very pleased with their eggs and temperment - I really like my barred rocks.
Agreed, rocks are great! Sounds like a good mixed flock. I keep buff orpingtons, easter eggers, a red sex link, olive eggs, silkies, an australorp, a RIR, a California white, a leghorn, and ayam cemanis, as well as some brahma crosses and some mutts. And of course I keep my ducks, geese, and guineas too, lol.

Green is still wanting to care for her chicks, but they wander off from her now. Luckily I have a naked neck rooster who follows them around and babysits - and then cashes in on Green's appreciation and mates with her, lol. Those two are almost inseparable now. I'm guessing next time she hatches eggs a good chunk of them will be naked necks.

That's horrible about the breeder - I can't believe that. I've taken deposits before, but never the whole amount, and I always get back to my buyers when they email or contact me. I hope you don't get taken for a ride...
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Will do :) I'm getting myself some brahmas too, lol. I decided against more guineas for now. I'll get you the total for them as soon as I place the order.

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