Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

I have learned that Nessa is a Red Sex-Link. Unfortunately at the same time, I learned their life expectancy is only 2-3 years. Nessa turns 3 November 4th.

I've been fighting to prolong a life that is coming to an end naturally.

Bea is also a Red Sex-Link. She just turned 1. I'm a bit upset about it altogether.

I'm pretty sure Chinese Skullcap isn't going to fix old age. Nessa is declining rapidly. I expect her to pass soon. I am making her as comfortable as possible and administering something for pain. She's hanging with Henry and seems content. I am discontinuing all protocols for her with the exception of what is in the feed as I make it in bulk.
I missed your post.

Maintenance dose is 200mg to kg of feed. It mates out to around 25mg of Baicalin content per bird.

It's being fed in various ways. Added to feed, served in an evening meal of drops.
Thank you for sharing your experiences! I'm trying to treat a little mille d'uccle hen. I'm terrible with dosages and how to administer - how did you measure the 425 mg? I see capsules of 800- what I just give her half of that in her food or water? Or would I mix that into something I would administer via dropper? Still learning about medicating chickens so I hope this isn't too stupid a question :-(
How's your Millie doing?
Let's take a moment to acknowledge that sometimes you can't save her.

In reading the various posts, you will see that in some cases I was aware that the hen wasn't likely to make it and often did not.

Marek's ravages a birds system and in many cases, the tumors can cause issues that won't resolve even after recovery from the virus. I continue to educate myself, taking classes whenever available. In a recent class I learned about Saplingitis.

Saplingitis occurs when the 'funnel' that catches the ovum and sends it through the oviduct is shifted out of place. It then allows the ovum to fall into the abdominal cavity. In many cases this only occurs occasionally and the hen may reabsorb the yolk. But if the 'funnel' has bed shifted permanently, the ovum continue to fall. They solidify in the abdominal cavity causing pressure to internal organs and constricting the GI tract and reproductive system. This isn't a curable condition. It causes the hen great pain.

The longer your hen is battling Marek's, the higher the possibility it will damage the reproductive system and cause Saplingitis.

This is one of the few reasons I have ever euthanized a hen.
I recently consulted with an Avian Specialist familiar with Marek's and he confirmed that if my pullets have been on Chinese Skullcap since day 1, they can't contract the virus because it has to replicate to infect and it can't.

So...I only have one generation of resistance. Not sure how to proceed with breeding for resistance at this point.

On the brighter side, I created a FB page where myself and a number of other BYC flocks are communicating and collaborating the use of Chinese Skullcap to control Marek's AND ALV. We're having marked success.

Visible and notable improvement is in the 7-10 day range depending on the state of the birds at the start of treatment.
What is the name of the Facebook group please?
Let's take a moment to acknowledge that sometimes you can't save her.

In reading the various posts, you will see that in some cases I was aware that the hen wasn't likely to make it and often did not.

Marek's ravages a birds system and in many cases, the tumors can cause issues that won't resolve even after recovery from the virus. I continue to educate myself, taking classes whenever available. In a recent class I learned about Saplingitis.

Saplingitis occurs when the 'funnel' that catches the ovum and sends it through the oviduct is shifted out of place. It then allows the ovum to fall into the abdominal cavity. In many cases this only occurs occasionally and the hen may reabsorb the yolk. But if the 'funnel' has bed shifted permanently, the ovum continue to fall. They solidify in the abdominal cavity causing pressure to internal organs and constricting the GI tract and reproductive system. This isn't a curable condition. It causes the hen great pain.

The longer your hen is battling Marek's, the higher the possibility it will damage the reproductive system and cause Saplingitis.

This is one of the few reasons I have ever euthanized a hen.
If this happens on a hen would you be able to actually feel normal size eggs in her abdominal cavity?
I do update fairly often. I have a FB page called Positive About Marek's And Avian Leukosis Virus where myself and 30+ members are currently using the herb and reporting the results on the page. Trying different things and working out what is best.

We're supporting new members and walking them through what to expect.

I can say, it definitely has a positive effect. In researching, it was discovered that while it only inhibits Marek's, it kills Avian Leukosis Virus and Avian Flu.

It has some drawbacks like you lose protection once you stop using it, but the positive aspect is as long as they are on it, it seems they are immune.

Consistent users are reporting that Virus fueled deaths ceased.

So, yes I'm still a believer.
Have you tried skullcap treatment for MG or MS? Or for any flocks that have more than one disease? Wondering how it works on MG or MS or on combo diseases.
Hi everyone, I have a dutch bantam that has a wry neck not responding to vitamins, so I guess it is Marek's. She is still eating but drinking is more difficult because of her twisted neck.

She comes from a Marek's positive flock. She escaped 6 months ago, but a neighbor found her a couple of days ago and returned her to me. Here is the story:

Thread 'Please help, chicken escapee returned after 6 months. Quarantine?'

So I got Chinese skullcap capsules, from Solgar. The label says Raw Scutellaria root powder 370mg, Scutellaria Root extract 2:1 75mg. How much should I give my hen? She is tiny, and weighs about a pound (500g).

I hope I can save her, it would be sad that she returned after so long only to die.
Thanks in advance!

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