Wanted to share pics of my baby chicks!


Mar 26, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
I wanted to share their cuteness! My pullets are almost 4 weeks old, and today they got to explore their newly (in the process of being finished) pen. They had a great time scratching the dirt and chasing bugs...they didn't much care for being closely supervised, the little boogers are very sneaky and love mischief.

As soon as we line the outside bottom part of the pen with more wire and fix it where nothing can get in or out, and then finish the top netting...they will get to move in their coop.
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They are adorable!

Are you sure you want to line the bottom of their pen with wire? Usually people bury the wire around the perimeter so if a predator digs, they hit the wire. I know my peeps like to dig holes and dust bathe in their pen. I would think that yours might too.
Thank you! And I'm not lining the whole bottom, just around the sides. We are fixing it so that nothing can dig in. And it will be on the outside of the fence at that, so they don't get hurt on it. So the can dust bathe as much as their little hearts desire. I'm actually building them a sand pit also. Thy are so funny to watch when they dust bathe. I was actually quite concerned the first time I saw a hen do it. Lol!
Hello, I am brand new with chicks and I am wondering if your 4 week olds will be out all the time in their new pen. Mine are 3 weeks on Wednesday and growing out of their "baby pen." My husband wants to put them outside during the day and back inside at night now. I was thinking we have to wait till they are older. Someone else also suggested 4weeks for outside. I have a lot to learn I am realizing every few minutes!
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Hello there! I still keep them in a brooder box with a light most of the time. I've brought them outside 3 times so far for about 30 mins at a time. Our weather has ben iffy lately so they haven't had much time out. I have been told to keep them under a light and warm until they grow all of their feathers in. I will probably wait til they are about 5 or 6 weeks before I move them permanently to their pen. They will be in a huge brood box on my porch until then. It really depends on the weather. I've seen people put them in coops at 4 weeks and even put a light in there at night for when it gets chilly, and they've been perfectly fine.
Thank you so much. Your info is very clear and just what I needed. These little gals (I hope the are) are so cute I don't want to make any mistakes that will hurt them. I hope I will be able to tell when they have all their feathers !
Thank you! And I'm not lining the whole bottom, just around the sides. We are fixing it so that nothing can dig in. And it will be on the outside of the fence at that, so they don't get hurt on it. So the can dust bathe as much as their little hearts desire. I'm actually building them a sand pit also. Thy are so funny to watch when they dust bathe. I was actually quite concerned the first time I saw a hen do it. Lol!

Oh good - I was just wondering about that. All the best!
Thank you guys so much! And you're welcome also. :) The one with the white spot on the head is actually our tamest one! She will sit with us and let us handle her without throwing a fit.

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