Wanted to share pics of my baby chicks!

You're most welcome magnolialady. Good luck with your babies! If you have anymore questions I will do my best to help. This site truly is amazing for people that are raising poultry, especially if you are new to it!
My babies are growing so fast! Warning!! Lots of pictures!!

My son named her Beauty. She's our tamest one!

He also named her Jasmine. (She isn't thrilled about having her picture took.)

This is Roxy.

My toddler named her Birdie.

This is Tilly.

Beauty and Roxy looking at me through the window. I do believe they are giving me the stinkeye.
I use this box to keep them safe in while I clean their brooder out...their butts have gotten too big for it I'm afraid!
I know that nobody has commented on this in a long time....but I want to post new pics of my chickies and didn't want to start a new thread.
So here goes!

This one 'Jasmine' has always been the bravest.

My surprise Barred Rock pullet. She is the sweetest.
I am very much thinking about it. They have been going out to the pen for long periods of time during the day, that is when its warm and not raining. I think that they will be ready by then. If I don't this Friday they for sure will be going out the next Friday. I'm debating on wether or not I will need to keep them in a cage their first few nights in the coop. I have a rooster and hen that was given to me and SO FAR they are all getting along. Lol! We will see.
They are so spoiled...they act like they wanna be pampered in their brood box forever.
Thanks for the info. I will be interested in what you decide to do. Ours are 3 weeks and getting so big! They are now in a 33 gallon Rubbermaid container instead of the galvanized tub. If it is nice weather tomorrow we plan to put them outside for a while. I am afraid they will get cold when we put them out for the night at 5 weeks! Even though our weather is mild in So. Cal I am worried about it but everyone says it will be ok.
Happy Birthday to your 5 week old babies.

Hello there. It is raining here as well so I decided to leave my girls in there box one more week. They are pleased with that decision. :) I guess I can baby them a little while longer. He he! I will be letting them in the pen for a while when weather allows.
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