WARNING PICS.. Nasty butt we need a clue and a cure


6 Years
Mar 15, 2014
Cedar Creek, Texas
image.jpeg This is Georgie she is 4.5 year old LF Cochin. She is lovely
UNTIL she walks away.


image.jpeg image.jpeg
I use fermented feed and have dry layer pellets in the coop. She is used to baths and having her feathers clipped I have bathed her twice since April but it seems the more feathers I trim the more get effected. She has Always had a nasty butt and I have been washing her for years. My concern is this looks a bit nastier than usual and I fear may make her susceptible to fly strike. It also cannot feel good on her
I am wondering if it may be a sign of an underlying condition is this just nasty or a symptom of something else?

I have not posted her before out of embarrassment she looks dirty and neglected to me, but I know she is not, she is one of my favorites and she likes my dog.

Please help us keep her beauty on the outside too.
Ps she will be getting another bath today if clean bum pics might help I can take some and post after her bath.
Yes please post a pic as soon as you clean her up but the first thing I would do is remove her from the other chickens for right now. It looks like there’s blood involved and I know sometimes the other chickens will pack at her non-stop and cause some serious injury. It kind of reminds me of what I saw when one of mine had prolapse. It looked like that until I cleaned her up and saw it sticking out of her and freaked. And that’s how I became a member of backyard chickens. Or maybe vent gleet
When we went through the prolapse it was a bath every night and by the end of it she was excited to get in a nice warm bath. Busted her twice trying to get in the water bowl after that. LOL. At least she likes the bath because when they don’t it can make things very difficult. As soon as she’s done please post a pic. I thought mine had to vent gleet e at first until I washed her up.
I don't see any prolapse, but I've never seen one in person, so I am leaning toward vent gleet. Perhaps try giving them all some yogurt every day to make sure her gut is in good shape. Also probiotics in the water or vinegar with the mother in the water. I also use an anti-fungal spray (athlete's foot spray works fine) after washing around the butt.
I don't see any prolapse, but I've never seen one in person, so I am leaning toward vent gleet. Perhaps try giving them all some yogurt every day to make sure her gut is in good shape. Also probiotics in the water or vinegar with the mother in the water. I also use an anti-fungal spray (athlete's foot spray works fine) after washing around the butt.

I use ACV w mother in the FF feed. I keep water mostly clean I have 1 that I put electrolytes in in the summer
I don't have athletes foot spray would hot spot / ring worm spray work?

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