WARNING PICS.. Nasty butt we need a clue and a cure

No one in there is contagious, some are rescues and healing or growing back feathers. Taking them outside for play time is a real chore
Georgie is back in the coop. She got dirty bum the first 10 minutes she was out but has managed to clean herself up.
I did not see worms in her samples after worming her, but I am going to start a schedule for the flock since she is staying clean now.

Thank you all for your help and support.
One more thing you can try if you're game is acidified copper sulfate in the water. Not all the time, just every three months for 1 day. 1/8 tsp ACS dilluted in 1/4 cup ACV add this mixture to 1gallon of water and use. Don't use or store it in metal containers only plastic or rubber. This was the one trick that even put a dent in my funky butted hen. Good luck! :)
I know when my chicks get pasty butt the first thing I do is scramble them an egg for extra protein and add a little apple cider vinegar to their water for probiotics. Along with cleaning them, this normally clears them.

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