WARNING PICS.. Nasty butt we need a clue and a cure

At 4.5 years her laying may be sporadic anyway, I'm not really familiar with the breed, so no idea what kind of laying history is normal for them. I'm just saying that not getting an egg quickly may or may not be an issue/symptom. If you knew for sure she was laying before and not now that would indicate maybe a problem. It's just one thing to look at when trying to narrow things down.
Let us know if she does lay an egg and check to see how her droppings. Is she acting OK otherwise
She can’t be too upset she just had a nice chicken spa day

This is her poo on a towel after bath.
No egg yet but I put her in the recovery room.
I have two that are 8 that lays 2 sometimes 3 a week. But I let them do it on their own time. I do not add light in winter and I give them time off for heat or molt I never try to extend the laying cycle

My youngest layers right now are all Georgie's age. They just started slowing down last week but before with 8 layers I was getting 6-8 eggs daily. The new ladies should start August or September
She still acting OK? If it was Vent gleet hopefully that’s whats making the loose stool. Because that would go away. Don’t know that vent gleet is the correct answer but I guess you’ll find out as you Are investigating and narrowing it down. Keep us up-to-date on the progress
She never appeared ill to me bright eyes, nice color on comb and feathers lays eggs (except really hot right now none are really laying daily) is active loves to free range. But that butt! :sick
image.jpeg Recovery wall. I have one more new girl who is strutting my house in a diaper cuz I put Natalie in her crate, Nat is old and getting picked on. Georgie was happy to see her.
I will have to show my husband your recovery wall because he thinks it’s ridiculous I set up a extra extra large dog crate and put a chicken hospital sign on it. I’m glad she’s got some company I think that alone will help. Just like a human no one likes to be lonely when they’re not doing well

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