Waterfowl for Meat Production Thread - Ducks, Geese, and Muscovies

Great! Thanks for that info. I'll check out the link you provided and definitely give those breeds an extra look. I've heard the Pekin, Rouen, Muscovy, and Cayuga names a lot, so I'm guessing they must be more popular or common.

They're much more common. The Saxony and Silver Appleyard are much rarer. If you were interested in either of those, Dave Holderread just sold his stock to Metzer's and so you could get some excellent ducks from there.
I remember you from the Breeding for Production thread! How are your ducklings doing? Probably mostly grown now!


The two month olds are doing well, yes they're pretty much adult size now, have some filling out to do though. I got some pictures this morning of the drake I think I'll keep, he's giant, already as big as both my Pekin drakes. I have some pure Pekin ducklings too, the oldest ones are only 3 and a half weeks and the youngest ones just turned 2 weeks. The crosses weighed a full half pound more at three weeks than the pure Pekins do.

Pekin X Black Swede Drake.


Ah, I love the duck pics. I had ducks when I was a kid, but that's it so I have no clue what breeds they were. I'll have them again on the homestead! Hubby is just worried about how they will fit into the scheme of things productivity wise. Raising for meat with bonus eggs just makes sense to me.

The two month olds are doing well, yes they're pretty much adult size now, have some filling out to do though. I got some pictures this morning of the drake I think I'll keep, he's giant, already as big as both my Pekin drakes. I have some pure Pekin ducklings too, the oldest ones are only 3 and a half weeks and the youngest ones just turned 2 weeks. The crosses weighed a full half pound more at three weeks than the pure Pekins do.

Pekin X Black Swede Drake.



Handsome guy! That's some impressive growth.
Hey I have a khaki Campbell I'm considering butchering. I read they can be meat ducks? I read you should butcher at 8-10 weeks. Is this correct? They're currently eating chick starter (unmedicated) do they need a finisher?

I have some Perkins also that I'm considering harvesting. (Basically the drakes from a batch of straight runs). What age are they harvested?

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