Weak chick hatched last night.


Feb 15, 2015

This chick hatched around 8pm last night. It was very weak out of the shell. Slept all night without a peep. I gave it water before heading to bed. This morning 7, it was chirping away but wasn't moving. Now it can barely keep its eyes open and is very wobbly. I have given it sugar water and mashed up egg yolk. I was going to put it under my broody but it just seems to weak to do that (she has other chicks that are running around like crazy).

This chick hatched around 8pm last night. It was very weak out of the shell. Slept all night without a peep. I gave it water before heading to bed. This morning 7, it was chirping away but wasn't moving. Now it can barely keep its eyes open and is very wobbly. I have given it sugar water and mashed up egg yolk. I was going to put it under my broody but it just seems to weak to do that (she has other chicks that are running around like crazy).
What does his Belly button area look like? Keep him warm, he may need some vitamins...
When a chick hatches it is important not to give them any food for the 1st 36 hours, at least. They need to finish digesting the yolk sac on their tummy. If they start to digest other things and don't digest the yolk sac, they can get sick and die. For the 1st 36 hours all the chick needs is water to drink. No grit, no feed. That's why chicks can be shipped from hatcheries and not need food for 48 hours. Ok, so what do you do if a chick hatches weak and needy or is having trouble getting out of the shell and is weak? Obviously the yolk sac isn't the answer or they wouldn't be weak in the first place. It is very helpful if you think of your chicks as little G.I. tracts, not bundles of fluff. As goes the G.I. tract , so goes the chick.
One answer is to give the chicks emergency nutrition which doesn't need to be digested. That's what we do here at Waterford. We use the formulas from Bovidr Labs. http://www.nutridrench.com Invented by a cattle breeder to assist struggling newborns this ER nutritional supplement does not need to be digested. Measureable in the bloodstream in 30 minutes with 99% utilization. All natural. Very concentrated. I have it in my chick's water when they hatch. Poultry instructions: Give one drop only by mouth. Repeat as needed every 8-10 hours until perky. Maintenance dose in the water is 2ml per gallon. For stress situations, use 4 ml per gallon in the water. If the chicks don't like the taste, back down to 2ml per gallon . The formulas are absorbed thru the mouth tongue throat and the G.I. tract. My formula looks like very weak tea.
This added nutrition helps restore the immune system. It's a timeline thing. Interdict the timeline and change the consequences. The trick here is to supplement the nutritional uptake system which is being challenged by a lack of nutrition before the body systems reach a tipping point where they begin to cascade in failure due to lack of sufficient nutrition to keep them running properly.
Do I know what I am talking about or just blowing smoke? Yes, I have spent over 12,000 hours studying this phenomenon. Writing a protocol which works successfully in canines. Basically when it comes to the G.I. tract, neonate is a neonate is neonate. I am working on another protocol now in poultry. Central to its success will again be the Bovidr Products.
So.. if a weak chick is having trouble hatching and you can get to the beak, drop one drop into its mouth. When your chicks are born, 1st thing after they dry off, drop one drop into their mouths. 1st 2 weeks of life, put 2ml per gallon in their water to get them off to a strong start. I do not have dead or failing chicks here . Last season I raised 42 light Sussex chicks on the Goat Formula using the Poultry instructions. No sickness, no death, just 42 robust birds.
Wait..what? You raised chickens on a Goat formula? What gives? Tho the Bovidr Labs formulas as species-specific, a talk with their very knowledgeable science techs revealed they also meet the scientific standards for a universal formula. I like to keep additional formulas as close to the physical size of the species I am treating as possible. In other words, just for personal reasons, I don't use the Beef formula on poultry. I use the Goat formula. I think the Pet formula would be good, it is for pets 25 lbs. and under and their babies.
It is very important, no matter which formula you use, to always use the dosage and usage formulas for the species you are treating.
However, Bovidr Labs told me the Beef formula can be used on dogs. In fact, I have, with great success. I remember one time I was online and a Montana cattle rancher came online begging for help. Her ranch dog had dropped 8 pups and they were needy. They were too far rural to take them for help. I asked her if she had any calf colostrum around? Yup. Bovine colostrum is a universal donor. I said give each of the pups a dose and give them the canine usage doses of her Beef Nutri-Drench.
The trick is to interdict preventively and with the correct supplements. In baby animals, we do not wait for a problem to surface and treat symptomatically. We always anticipate it will and treat preventively with the proper all natural supplements. It is important they be all natural as we don't want to strain the neonate G.I. system with coping with "foreign" substances.
One says , " My chicks are running around and healthy, no problems.". That's wonderful. What can we do to make it even better? I have a friend who breeds collies. She started out using the Bellwether Neonate Protocol on her puppies. She is very avid researcher on the subject of epigenetics. Has augmented the Protocol with factors which boost the epigenetics results of the whole regimen. The difference in her collies is startling. They are born with less genetic problems than can be accounted as solved thru regular breeding systems. In other words, her protocol for advanced nutrition in her collies is actually lowering the genetic rate of inherited defects. It's just amazing.
These 1st 2 weeks of life in our poultry, the neonate period, is when we can help them become better birds. After that we are just helping them grow.
Bellwether Collies ( 1995-2009)
Waterford Light Sussex (founded 2012)
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HUM, interesting however, I must say, not sure if I would follow some of it. I have always offered food to my little ones after 24 hours and they are just fine. 37 calls and over 200 chicks I must be doing something right....

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