Welcome to BackYardChickens Mobile BETA!

I love the mobile version! It looks great and is ready to use. The only problem I'm having so far (and I might be missing something) but I can't find a way to bump or close a classified from the mobile version. I'm also getting a bunch of ads, even though I am a platinum member.

Aside from that, this is fantastic#
I had no idea a mobile site was happening until I logged in just now and realized I'd been switched over to it :lol:

So far I like it a lot. It seems a lot quicker and tidier than the desktop version, which is awesome. I don't think I'll be switching back to the other site style any time soon.
:thumbsup This change makes me very happy.
No problems since I switched to the native browser on my Galaxy S3 running Android 4.0
However, I'm disappointed that Firefox was causing problems, since its my preferred browser on this phone for other things.
Thank you very much to the hard work that went into this being released! It has made a huge difference in responding to PMs, keeping up with egg orders, swaps, and threads. HUGE positive step in the right direction for sure. Has made the choice to continue platinum membership so much easier. BYC is an asset to small farms wishing to reach customers online.

Working great from iphone and ipad both

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