Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Ah, I understand now. The rest of this lot are too drunk to put the animals out a t bedtime.:lau
I reckon another intoxicant is probably responsible for the fascination of multi colored egg collections.:oops:
I'm completely flabbergasted about the criteria people use to choose chickens. The guy here who decided to get Marans, rather than the local breed which are far better suited to the place, chose the Marans because James Bond eats Marans eggs.:rolleyes:
:lau Makes as much sense as anything else I've heard lately
Good Morning, Pond!
Spring has sprung here on the prairie! Not because the calendar says so, but because I saw flocks of geese on my way to work this morning. (Although there is still ice on all the ponds so I wonder if they’re regretting that decision.) The snow is melting. The sun is bright. We had a flock of crows in our yard this week. There is hope!
We are having a snow storm today, sigh. So much for spring here. It's going to me a nasty mix of snow and rain later as it warms up too, and it's going to go right through to tomorrow.

And I wanted to use the today to continue with my after-winter coop cleanouts, because my NPIP testing is Thursday, and I like to have nice clean coops for that. Looks like it's not gonna happen though.
And so the main kidding season starts! A little doeling! I wasn’t even expecting that doe to kid for awhile yet :gig.

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