Welsh Harlequin

I'm so excited for her to be fully grown
Well, we've had some issues lately with our Pekin drake, 'Squirt' over powering our smallest Welshie 'Sweet Pea' now that it's mating season and nature has taken over his drive - he's just much bigger than she is :(

He's gotten into the habit of grabbing her head (as apposed to the back of her neck) in his much bigger bill, and this has caused an injury to Sweet Peas' left eye. It's healing up well now, and she has full use of it - I just don't want it to happen again.

Squirt doesn't mess with our other two female Welshies much, and our Khaki female doesn't take any crap from him (she's in charge here)

We've tried separating them for the past week - keeping Sweet Pea in the house in a soft pen at night, and only letting her out with the others while supervised.

However, Squirt still chases after her when we take them out for supervised yard time, it isn't convenient for us to keep separating them, and Sweet Pea doesn't like being separated - even with a pen mate at night.

Rather than re-home Squirt (drakes are nearly impossible to re-home), or send Squirt to freezer camp (our ducks are pets - he was our first duck, and has a great, outgoing personality), we think it might be better to find a loving, 'freezer camp free' home with an established flock for Sweet Pea.

So, we are looking to re-home Sweet Pea.

She is a 7 month old (hatched September 8th, 2014) Silver Phase female from Metzer farms, with absolutely beautiful coloring . . .

That's her on the left, photo taken today (you can see the area around her eye is still healing):

Looking at me wondering if I've come to take her inside again . . .

In her indoor soft pen today . . .

A video clip of her in the bath a couple nights ago - love her coloring! (the small bump under her chin was a pea that got stuck under her tongue - gone now)


And that's her on the right, with Squirt in the background. (this photo taken a while ago)

She is in excellent health (aside form the noted eye injury), and has been raised in the best of conditions. Like most Welshies, she is very relaxed and laid back.

She lays consistently every day - small'ish eggs so far, and is quiet. She loves to range around the yard looking for bugs and weeds, and her favorite treat - by far - is peas (hence - Sweet Pea). If you put some peas in a small tupperware container and give it a shake, she'll come running!! (that's how we get them all to go into their pen when supervised yard time is over)

Anyway, if you are interested in a beautiful Silver Phase hen, have an established flock she can become part of, and a freezer camp free home - let me know.

We are in the Pottstown/Valley Forge area of South Eastern PA.

I will NOT ship her, though I would happily drive a bit to deliver or meet up with a loving family. I'll also have this posted in the re-homing thread - but thought this was a better place to post a Welshie available for adoption.


Sometimes they just pick a favorite hen; it would seem Squirt is a bit enamored with Sweet Pea. Good luck finding her a new home!!
I wouldn't be surprised if he started doing the same thing to another duck once she's gone. I would have seperated him for the spring and let him back in with the girls in the summer. I'm partial to girls tho.. so yah

If I were closer I'd take her in a heartbeat, but I'm in Oklahoma. She'd fit right in with my sweetie girls!

The boy is no longer with me because he was being too amorous with the girls and they were all starting to lose feathers on the back of their heads and they were terrified of the drake this spring. They are much happier now, and I accept their alternative lifestyle (they just mount eachother... it's pretty funny).
I wouldn't be surprised if he started doing the same thing to another duck once she's gone. I would have seperated him for the spring and let him back in with the girls in the summer. I'm partial to girls tho.. so yah

If I were closer I'd take her in a heartbeat, but I'm in Oklahoma. She'd fit right in with my sweetie girls!

The boy is no longer with me because he was being too amorous with the girls and they were all starting to lose feathers on the back of their heads and they were terrified of the drake this spring. They are much happier now, and I accept their alternative lifestyle (they just mount eachother... it's pretty funny).
Alternative lifestyle

I have been forewarned that the sex drive on WH & Saxonies is up the wall bad.
Well, we've had some issues lately with our Pekin drake, 'Squirt' over powering our smallest Welshie 'Sweet Pea' now that it's mating season and nature has taken over his drive - he's just much bigger than she is :( He's gotten into the habit of grabbing her head (as apposed to the back of her neck) in his much bigger bill, and this has caused an injury to Sweet Peas' left eye. It's healing up well now, and she has full use of it - I just don't want it to happen again. Squirt doesn't mess with our other two female Welshies much, and our Khaki female doesn't take any crap from him (she's in charge here) We've tried separating them for the past week - keeping Sweet Pea in the house in a soft pen at night, and only letting her out with the others while supervised. However, Squirt still chases after her when we take them out for supervised yard time, it isn't convenient for us to keep separating them, and Sweet Pea doesn't like being separated - even with a pen mate at night. Rather than re-home Squirt (drakes are nearly impossible to re-home), or send Squirt to freezer camp (our ducks are pets - he was our first duck, and has a great, outgoing personality), we think it might be better to find a loving, 'freezer camp free' home with an established flock for Sweet Pea. So, we are looking to re-home Sweet Pea. She is a 7 month old (hatched September 8th, 2014) Silver Phase female from Metzer farms, with absolutely beautiful coloring . . . That's her on the left, photo taken today (you can see the area around her eye is still healing): Looking at me wondering if I've come to take her inside again . . . In her indoor soft pen today . . . A video clip of her in the bath a couple nights ago - love her coloring! (the small bump under her chin was a pea that got stuck under her tongue - gone now) And that's her on the right, with Squirt in the background. (this photo taken a while ago) She is in excellent health (aside form the noted eye injury), and has been raised in the best of conditions. Like most Welshies, she is very relaxed and laid back. She lays consistently every day - small'ish eggs so far, and is quiet. She loves to range around the yard looking for bugs and weeds, and her favorite treat - by far - is peas (hence - Sweet Pea). If you put some peas in a small tupperware container and give it a shake, she'll come running!! (that's how we get them all to go into their pen when supervised yard time is over) Anyway, if you are interested in a beautiful Silver Phase hen, have an established flock she can become part of, and a freezer camp free home - let me know. We are in the Pottstown/Valley Forge area of South Eastern PA. I will NOT ship her, though I would happily drive a bit to deliver or meet up with a loving family. I'll also have this posted in the re-homing thread - but thought this was a better place to post a Welshie available for adoption. Thanks!! Dan
Good luck re-homing her! If I lived closer, I'd take her in a heartbeat! I'm near Gulfport, MS. I love the name Sweet Pea! My late great-grandmother's favorite perfume scent was Sweet Pea.
We currently have 1 Pekin, 1 Mallard, and 1 Buff (bought straight run from a local feed store - Fazzio's) with 2 Khaki Campbells (hens), and 2 Cayugas (hens) coming in June from Ideal Poultry. I want a WH to add to our flock, but Ideal Poultry doesn't offer them and I'm having a heck of a time finding someone local who has 1 female WH duckling I can pick up.
Do I have a pair of WH's or 2 females? I've heard them BOTH quack, but the duck with the lighter bill just stopped...? I thought I was hearing things, then she quacked in front of a bunch of people! She hasn't done anything but squeak like a dog toy ever since. Both ducks eat shavings like they're living in a bowl of cornflakes
, so I thought maybe her "quacker" had broken! Just kidding, sorta. The dark billed female is completely by the book and would deff be a mean girl in the 8th grade cafeteria. She's sexy and she knows it.
She's quite aloof and snooty unless you have treats. Lol. ANYway! I just realized the lighter billed duck, Tater, doesn't have dark feathers against her bill? All of the dark headed hen pics I see have thrown me for a loop. I also see @Wifezilla has a famous yellow billed hen that confuses all of us first time WH owners. Lol I'm really holding out hope that I have 2 silver hens...

I also found some blue feathers when Tater did a big stretch.
The pic I got is awful, but she wasn't thrilled I was waking her up. Boy or girl, it's a great duck.




If your duck stops quacking and now sounds like a squeaky toy, it's a boy.

Both males and females get those pretty blue feathers on their wings if they are silvers.

Just keep an eye on the tail. A drake feather should form soon if it's a boy.

The girls I used to have with yellow bills were pure Welsh Harlequins, they were just "poor quality" as far as breeding goes. As for pets, they were top notch :D
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Well poo. I knew the blue wouldn't tell me anything but color, I was just excited to have 2 silvers.
I'm not too thrilled about one duck and one drake. The coop set up we're building will make it possible to separate them for a while, so we'll get through breeding season without letting her get beat to pieces. I have no clue what I would've done with eggs from 2 WH's anyway! Lol. My neighbor will probably have some mules in the incubator soon, so I may have to sneak a couple girls past the hubby. Just say they snuck through the fence.... Heh heh.
Do I have a pair of WH's or 2 females? I've heard them BOTH quack, but the duck with the lighter bill just stopped...? I thought I was hearing things, then she quacked in front of a bunch of people! She hasn't done anything but squeak like a dog toy ever since. Both ducks eat shavings like they're living in a bowl of cornflakes
, so I thought maybe her "quacker" had broken! Just kidding, sorta. The dark billed female is completely by the book and would deff be a mean girl in the 8th grade cafeteria. She's sexy and she knows it.
She's quite aloof and snooty unless you have treats. Lol. ANYway! I just realized the lighter billed duck, Tater, doesn't have dark feathers against her bill? All of the dark headed hen pics I see have thrown me for a loop. I also see @Wifezilla has a famous yellow billed hen that confuses all of us first time WH owners. Lol I'm really holding out hope that I have 2 silver hens...

I also found some blue feathers when Tater did a big stretch.
The pic I got is awful, but she wasn't thrilled I was waking her up. Boy or girl, it's a great duck.




My boys sounded like girls for a few days and then they were 100% bits after that. I got so excited and then when I double check what I heard 2 days later, that was it. Here is a link that has sound for each and some other info on sex http://www.majesticwaterfowl.org/artquacks.htm

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