Welsh Harlequin

Her bill and feet should be all one color and all dark. Her coloring isn't correct on her plumage either. She is missing details and color on her torso and has too much on her head in comparison. Welsh girls should have a little color on their heads but the body should be darker. Not show quality, but then I'm used to silvers. Is her wing bar brown or blue? She could be a very light gold.
It's blue. She is definitely a silver, I guess just not a very good specimen of one
she is a sweety though.
I got my first welsh!!! I noticed her color was darker than pics I've seen of them...could this mean anything? Is she just going to be a darker shade than other welshes?
Some of mine were darker or lighter as babies. The differences were even less noticable as adults. I think the darker ones ended up with slightly more defined markings.

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