Western Pennsylvania chicken swap.....April 9

I think it'd be nice if we could have a lot of eggs to auction or raffle or whatever. I have 20 cases of Pepsi throwback here. Anyone who brings a dozen eggs can have a free case of pepsi!
Pm me if you are interested, so I know what I've got. It would be nice if we could do a raffle or Chinese auction. If someone without stage frifght wanted to volunteer to be an auctioneer, then we could have a fair way to sell more expensive eggs, and no one would feel like they were losing money. Any thoughts?
Since we're doing pot luck, is anyone bringing plates and forks? What about drinks? I was thinking I would pick up some utensils and plates rather than trying make something. Would that work?
I have 90 plates, and about the same amount of utensils. (have to run out to the garage for an exact count) Plus styrofoam cups and big coffee urn for morning (milk, sugar etc) and a big pack of napkins. I have some kids lemonade drinks, but haven't gotten further on the drinks yet...I'll bring a few coolers with ice, if you want to grab sodas or bottled water that would be great!
I'll bring the Pepsi. My kid just pointed out that it is past its expiration date, but I googled it and its ok to drink. So that means "free pop!" for anyone that wants it.
I have napkins, too--a whole case of them. And toilet paper, just in case.
I know I've got some tablecloths, too.
I am going to try to bring some cardboard boxes to put birds or stuff in.
Ok, I'll get some drinks
Sounds great!

Sumatra....I try to stop by the liquor store on a Monday or Tuesday. They re-stock from the weekend and have loads of free boxes! (so frustrating when people show up here for chicks and then go "oh...what do I put them in?" I always want to say "Really? You didn't think that through first?"
) anyway, the inserts pull right out, they are a nice size and FREE!
Don't know if we will make it but I posted the info on the Pittsburgh Backyard chickens link on Facebook. Sound like a wonderful poultry and people day.
Now you've thought of everything!


How close are you to DuBois?

here is an update to what I am bringing....

Golden Sebright chicks, Mottled roo, BB Red roo, possibly some more.
Couple dozen of mixed hatching eggs from the breeds on my "now hatching" page.

Hoping to find some call ducks/hatching eggs, red bourbon turkey eggs/poults (my son is thinking about raising these to show for 4-H), KC duck hens, chocolate OE banty hens, and true Ameraucana hens/peeps.

Not sure yet about what food I'll be bringing.
Hi everyone,

I just now, a few days out, remembered about this happening, so I'd love to come too. I'm about 2 hours' drive, b/t Pittsburgh & Butler.
Does any one person need a ride from PGH area with just a few chickens? I have a station wagon with just about that much room.

I can bring a bunch of extra boxes (broken down ) and some tape to fix 'em back up!

I'm bringing the following birds:

Three Serama-Dutch Bantam cross cockerels 6 weeks
Three Mille D'uccle cockerels with 1 pullet --probably
One frizzled blue silkie ( ready to leave his sis, Muranofarms)

Thanks for reminding me this is coming up, aukuma

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