Westphalian Deathlayers (Westfälische Totleger)

EweSheep wrote:

Why they call them "Deathlayers"? Are their eggs poisonous?​

Feathersite says because the hens almost always lay until their death.​

First breed of chicken that I've ever seen that looked like sea gulls...


This is an old thread but here goes anyway: All the Westphalians, Assendelfters, Braekels, East Frisian Gull, Friesians, Campine, etc are referred to as Gull types because of their resemblance to sea gulls. Wouldn't surprise me if Hamburgs and Buttercups were crossbred and related to the Gull types somewhere in their history too.
Well, "Deathlayer" is arguably the most metal chicken breed name I have ever heard. It's right up there with the Vietnamese Ga Noi Don, whose's name translates to something like "caning chicken" or "thrashing chicken". They're literally bred to whip and beat each other with their legs, though, so it's a pretty apt name.
Howdy folks!

I was just wondering if anybody knows of a breeder that works with these chickens.  Apparently they were once fairly common in northern Germany but I've never heard of anyone in America raising them.  I think they are absolutely beautiful birds and I have to admit they have one of the all-time greatest breed names.  Here's a link to the Feathersite page on these:


Thanks so much for any information you guys have!

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