What Are The Most Productive Farm Animals???

Water buffalo are very common in Italy for the original Morzzarella and I thought I saw Mozzarella (the real one not the plastic stuff) in the US and assumed that you have water buffalos.... and traditional used for plowing in most rice growing regions.
A bock? As you surely know goats declare their love for each other by a quite unique bouquet of fragrances and not everyone can stand a bock that exudes his love to his girls or the way he perfumes himself.....
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If you have a large dog or two, just train it to pull a cart. They like to work and its good for them.
Put all your animals to use!
I've tried, my dogs refuse to vacuum or dust. I have a bulldog mix that makes me give her rides in my cart, she has me trained. Here she's trying to get in the wheelbarrow.
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She kind of looks like a French bulldog but maybe bigger, love them. :) love Boston terriers too lol
funny that's what she's mixed with, French bulldog and Boston terrier, I have never owned a smarter more loving and fun dog. Matilda, look at that squishy mug.
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Really!? Wow, can't believe I got it right haha figured Frenchie cause she looks exactly like one and then was gonna guess Boston just cause she's bigger than a Frenchie and seems to have the color and shape but I wasn't sure so decided to just add I love them rather than offically guess it. :p I love dogs though so I try to learn as much as possible and used to always have the breed books and stuff. :) I'm way too into dogs haha
She's gorgeous though. I considered Frenchies but the potential health problems scare me away :/ maybe one day though. I may look into a Boston though. But probably not for a little while since our dog is huge so if we did get another one it would have to be tough enough to play haha
She has hybrid vigor I'm thinking, she's 30 pounds of muscle and healthy, hopefully avoid the breathing problems of the frenchie and the eye problems of the Boston. Thank you, we adore her, she holds her own against the big dogs, she's feisty but easy going.
Water buffalo are very common in Italy for the original Morzzarella and I thought I saw Mozzarella (the real one not the plastic stuff) in the US and assumed that you have water buffalos.... and traditional used for plowing in most rice growing regions.
A bock? As you surely know goats declare their love for each other by a quite unique bouquet of fragrances and not everyone can stand a bock that exudes his love to his girls or the way he perfumes himself.....

Yeah they do get smelly and pee on themselves all that. Part of the reason i wethered my buckling. But the breeder i got my Boers from says that their herd sire isn't too bad. He can't be in with does for obvious reasons so they keep him separate, but other than that he isn't really too bad.
She has hybrid vigor I'm thinking, she's 30 pounds of muscle and healthy, hopefully avoid the breathing problems of the frenchie and the eye problems of the Boston. Thank you, we adore her, she holds her own against the big dogs, she's feisty but easy going.

That could be, our mix is really healthy mostly too. :) though he does have kinda bad hips or a leg issue. No problem! I bet. :) they're so cute. But aw that's awesome! Maybe I could get them then. :p our dog isn't really aware of himself though or maybe doesn't care lol because when he jumps on the couch or bed (we try not to let him on the bed anymore but he sneaks up in the morning sometimes hah) he can jump so perfectly and just barely missyou by an inch. Yet outside he plows into you when running and jumps and he loves to bite his rope (he's on a long rope outside as he runs off ha) and he'll jump straight at you and just barely miss you when he bites the rope. Or he even sometimes hits yoyr hand or leg with a tooth on accident lol i think its the breed and play style as great pyrenees are LGDs and I think charge with their heads and Labs are just goofy puppies for life LOL but anyway, point being I'd be afraid he would just be unaware and hurt a small dog lol but aw she sounds cute

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