What are Your Chickens Named?

I had some named Sacajawea and Honey

I guess those are naturals for the breeds. My daughter chose those. Shortly after we brought home the day old chicks the kids and I sat around the brooder box and named them. Fun times. Then they grew up! Here they are around 8 weeks.

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I HAVE 6 full grown hens there names are rusty/ silvia / clucky / eggo /jillian / raven . and 1 full grown roster named Tom .
I've got a bunch of chicks right now.

But there is a blue OE/Phoenix mix that I have named. 'Chocho'. Which means 'Butterfly'
Then I have a giant black cochin pullet named 'Mumbles'.
My 8 week old EE'ers are: Marcia, Jan, and Cindy.

My 1 year old hens are: Mrs. Howell (white Leghorn), Ginger (Golden Comet), and we had MaryAnn (SL Wyandotte) but she died last Sunday.
I have
Gertie-Barred Plymouth Rock
Truffle - Easter Egger
Blue Bell - Easter Egger
Honey - Easter Egger
Rosie - Rhode Island Red
Coco - Chocolate Orpinton
Delilah - Australorp
Nugget, Feather, Juice Box, Butter, Penny -- My children clearly associate chickens with food... hehe
Lady Gaga - buff laced crested Polish
Mimi - blue laying Americauna, my son's favorite color and is often found saying "me me me me me!" The chick happens to be yellow, which is his favorite color for chicks.
Cadbury - Welsummer
Regina - Black crested white Polish, all beauty no brains it appears, just the same as our white Persian cat named Reggie
Henrietta - Buff Orpington

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