What are Your Chickens Named?

I am from Germany so I named all my chickens with old traditional German names, there is Hildegard. Rosemarie, Liesel, Helga and Irmgard...
Major - BO Rooster
Mable- BO
Rosemary- BR
Thyme- BR
Stella -SS
Ellie Mae-sex link
Pepper Pots-BR
Sasha -CL
Sophia-MO bantam
Daisy Mae - BO
Rosalina SLW

Edited to add : Lady Gaga -Buff Polish, Lacy and Lulu Lav orpingtons R.I.P
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My chickens are named Alice, Clara and Evelyn. They are named after my mom, grandmother and great aunt. The three ladies all hung out together and were best friends. I think all three ladies would think it special that I named my chickens after them.l

Love. It! I was going for Old Biddy names. Yours certainly fit the bill; only the first one is MY name, spelled Alys.
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There's Cocky Locky, Blondie, Big Red, Blackbeard, Easter, Blue, Henny Penny, Black, Meanie, Long Legs, Goofy and the other Red one. We just let Blue (a blue laced red Wyandotte) hatch one day's eggs. She had sat on a plastic egg over a week - of 6 available, 5 hatched - on May 1. Looks like one will be a black, 3 are turning red and one that was a yellow fluff ball has black feathers showing up in wings. So, waiting to see if she will be like Henny Penny (Barred Rock) or what - Cocky Locky is daddy to all. Blue is the best mamma ever!
Nerd alert for our chook names. Some don't have names but here's the ones I can remember.

Princess Layer, Bruce, Robin,Julius and Brutus - OEG bantams hens.
Sirius (Black Australorp Roo)
Temujin- Jungle Fowl Roo
Boudica and Beyonce, cage rescue Isa Browns
Racing stripes, Ginger Biscuit, more Isa Bs.

And our black and cuckoo pekins go by the group name 'the cloud'.

Think I will call my next roo Paul

Loving reading other people's names.
I love reading all these names! I have 9 young hens who are still unnamed. We just can't figure out who they are yet. We tend to choose names of musicians and songs. But the older gals who are named:

Queen Latifah - Australorp
Elvis - Minorca hen
Black Betty - Minorca

Our barred rocks are collectively named Marie and only I can tell them apart so they're official names are
Little Marie
Sweet Marie
and MY Marie

Midge and Fidget - Bantam Cochins

and the one who literally rules the roost and is the broodiest chicken I've ever known is...

Mother Clucker
I name all my chickens after family;
The head of the hen pecking line is Muriel (my mother's name
My only Roo; "JE" ... My dad's first&amid fled names; James Elias
We sure are not experts, but your broodie hen has been trying to tell you something for a while. A couple years ago, we decided to give one hen a try, after she stayed on a nest for a couple of weeks so loyal. We had fertile eggs (we thought) but had never let a hen set. One day I gave her 3 to set on. I marked them with black magic marker, a big X on them, so we would know hers from a daily fresh egg. Of the 3, 2 hatched out after 21 days just like clockwork. She kept them inside the hen house about a week, where we provided water and chick starter. The other girls never bothered them much till they got bigger and had to be shooed away from food etc. We've allowed any broody hen to have a hatch since then. Our "Blue" has been the best mamma, amazing how sweetly she leads them to treats etc. Good luck with yours.
I have an Astrolorp named Bernadette; BO named Coraline; Sussex is Nutmeg; BR, Mabel; NN, Clover. My first chickens. Four of them are about 7 or 8 weeks, Nutmeg about 4 weeks.

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