What are Your Chickens Named?

We generally don't name ours and for the most part only get one of each breed, so ours are usually named "Welsummer," "Buff Orpington," or "Rhode Island Red," etc. LOL... no imagination. Only two currently have names--one is "Little Pecker" because she tried to peck all the other chicks' eyes out when she was little and our silkie is "Happy Feet" because she looks like a penguin when she runs. I love reading how all of you name your birds!
New hampshires- Rosy and Ruby
Autralorps- yellow foot, sweetie pie, Morgan
Dk brahmas- hazel, trudy and Morticia, shes somethin else lol:mad:
Ss- blue:
EE- chipmunk, blair
Prod red cockeral- was supposed to be a pullet! Is lil red.
SLW- Pearl
The EE, SS, SLW, and Red are the result of august chicks at Big R lol. Just couldnt resist a few more chickens!
Ducks are lorretta and gretchen
Rabbits- grasshoppa, greta garbo, and pumpkin
We love our backyard! Got dogs, cat and fish too! Yep, live in a zoo!
New hampshires- Rosy and Ruby
Autralorps- yellow foot, sweetie pie, Morgan
Dk brahmas- hazel, trudy and Morticia, shes somethin else lol:mad:
Ss- blue:
EE- chipmunk, blair
Prod red cockeral- was supposed to be a pullet! Is lil red.
SLW- Pearl
The EE, SS, SLW, and Red are the result of august chicks at Big R lol. Just couldnt resist a few more chickens!
Ducks are lorretta and gretchen
Rabbits- grasshoppa, greta garbo, and pumpkin
We love our backyard! Got dogs, cat and fish too! Yep, live in a zoo!
Cute names, and we live in a zoo too with 6 chickens, 6 ducks, 3 geese,too many Japanese quail to count (about 38 or so),23 rabbits right now but numbers will soon be lowered, 2 desert tortoises, a parakeet and 7 toy breed dogs.My names for the chickens are: Hazel-Delaware; Victoria-BR; Goldie-EE; Astra-Australorpe; Diva-Mille Fleur OE bantam and Frizzle-our Frizzle roo. Have only named one female WH duck, Neurotica, Geese:Toulouse gander-Lou C.Goosey; girls (forgot breeds) are Gypsy & Pippi; no quail names. Only a handful of rabbits have names-boys are Pete, Cadbury & Valentine. Girls are Midnite, Beauty, Momma & Tippy. These are my breeders and Valentine is also my pet along with Pete who's getting up there in age. Tortoises are Turtleina and Trixie; budgie is Bebop & yorkies are Abby Rose, Winkiebella, Maggie May and Tazzie; Maltese are Jabe (J.B.), Libby Ann and their daughter, Sarie Jane.
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My "original" flock: Lady, Betsy, Ruby, and Goody. Since then: Levi (Lavender Orpington), Straus (RIR) (both roos), many Cinnamon Queen hens; Fat Girl, Big Mama, Naked Butt, Shaker, Henrietta, Runner, and Perch. 7 others not named, just called "pretty girl".

We have Briley, the Orpington, named after a road in Nashville. Punky Brewster is the Barred Rock because she was a punk to the others when we got her. The 2 Rhode Islands are Ginger and Siesta, named after the chicken on Chicken Run and a chicken who likes to nap.
Love Neurotica!!!!!!!!!!! Great names! Gotta ask- what breed of rabbits do you keep? We are just starting with raising for meat. I assume this is what you were alluding to when you said numbers will be reduced....if not, please accept my apologies. Our three are the start of breeding stock for sale and food. And 6 ducks, how do you keep their house clean? I have 2, and wow. Just, Wow.
New hampshires- Rosy and Ruby

Autralorps- yellow foot, sweetie pie, Morgan

Dk brahmas- hazel, trudy and Morticia, shes somethin else lol:mad:

Ss- blue:

EE- chipmunk, blair

Prod red cockeral- was supposed to be a pullet! Is lil red.

SLW- Pearl

The EE, SS, SLW, and Red are the result of august chicks at Big R lol. Just couldnt resist a few more chickens!

Ducks are lorretta and gretchen

Rabbits- grasshoppa, greta garbo, and pumpkin

We love our backyard! Got dogs, cat and fish too! Yep, live in a zoo!

Cute names, and we live in a zoo too with 6 chickens, 6 ducks, 3 geese,too many Japanese quail to count (about 38 or so),23 rabbits right now but numbers will soon be lowered, 2 desert tortoises, a parakeet and 7 toy breed dogs.My names for the chickens are: Hazel-Delaware; Victoria-BR; Goldie-EE; Astra-Australorpe; Diva-Mille Fleur OE bantam and Frizzle-our Frizzle roo. Have only named one female WH duck, Neurotica, Geese:Toulouse gander-Lou C.Goosey; girls (forgot breeds) are Gypsy no quail names. Only a handful of rabbits have names-boys are Pete, Cadbury budgie is Bebop Maltese are Jabe (J.B.), Libby Ann and their daughter, Sarie Jane.

Love Neurotica!!!!!!!!!!! Great names! Gotta ask- what breed of rabbits do you keep? We are just starting with raising for meat. I assume this is what you were alluding to when you said numbers will be reduced....if not, please accept my apologies. Our three are the start of breeding stock for sale and food. And 6 ducks, how do you keep their house clean? I have 2, and wow. Just, Wow.  
Thanks. Neurotica's name fit her. I named her when she started laying and went broody and after her 3 ducklings were here. OMW, she was the loudest and the noisiest duck ever. When I'd go see about them, she'd stand there and tell me off-just go spastic. It was too funny. But it wasn't just me. She liked to talk all the time-loudly:)
I thought I'd made a huge mistake getting ducks. They were soooo messy and stinky and drew flies like mad. No matter what we did, their entire area was one big mud hole. Their eggs would be so ridiculously muddy and dirty, & since we sell the eggs, sometimes they would not clean to that gleaming white they are. But only a couple weeks ago, we moved them into a new pen. It had originally been purchased for my 7 little dogs to use, but after my male Maltese got fly strike really badly last year, we stopped putting any of them outside. Besides our summers are very very hot here,so we decided the dogs are better off in the house under the ac. With another BYCer's recommendation, we set the pen up so that they can't make the huge mud messes. We already had a turf rug in it that covered about half the ground. We set their pool in a corner then we used pavers for the rest of the area. Their drinking water system is set up on a pump so the water goes in automatically, but we still have to empty it manually which is no big deal. So it is on a the side of the pen where it easily dumps to the outside. We drain the pools both for our ducks and our geese (who are in the same size and type of chain link pens) by using another pump that takes the water out of them. (We got the pumps from Tractor Supply Company. They are not expensive.) Those kiddy pools are too heavy to try to lift to empty.Plus it would go everywhere. With the little pump we use we just aim it toward either our flower beds or the lawn. Now our ducks are cleaner, their housing is cleaner, there aren't a gazillion flies around them, and they are quite happy in their new home. It's so easy to just take a hose and wash off the turf rug and pavers now. Oh and also we have a corner where we pile up straw on the rug for nesting and we cover the top of the pen with a huge tarp to give them protection from the rain. When winter sets in (we never get snow here, but rain if we are lucky with the drought), we are going to build them and our geese a little house they can retreat into and put straw bedding in it. Hope this helps to give you a few ideas too. Good luck with your ducks and enjoy:)

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