what chickens would you recommend


7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
Im having a problem choosing between chickens and cant choose between what chickens to get. Im wondering about d'uccles, cochins, wyandottes, brabanters, silkies, orpington, sebrights. .. What do you guys think? I know oppinions vary so which ones would YOU pick?

(This is my 500th post, yay! :p)
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I have had two silkies now and am stupid in love with them. If you are looking for a chicken that is friendly and makes a good pet then there is nothing better in my opinion. They are silly and hilarious and follow me everywhere. I plan on having some forever now. But, to be fair, if you are looking for a good layer then not the route to go.

I have also had experience with cochins and wyandottes, who were both decent egg layers. My cochin is broody A LOT but she is friendly and actually pretty smart for a chicken. The wyandottes are pretty but I did not fall in love with them.
Given enough responses someone will recommend every breed & variety there is. You can narrow your choices by determining what you want chickens for-eg: if you want chickens for egg production Sebrights would be a poor choice. If interested in breeeding & showing the production hybrids aren't for you. As far as appearance is concerned what appeals to you is what matters most. Take your time, look at pictures, go to some shows if possible so you can see actual birds, then decide what meets your needs & preferences best.

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