What did your chickens do today?

I have had my 3 hen for a week or so now and they are really getting to know me and eating out of hands and getting brave to try to push past me and escape out the door. I am working hard on the new coop and that will have a nice run attached hopefully solve the pushing past me to escape. I think I am in the pecking order and they are trying to put me on a lower end of this. hahaha

I have 2 that chase after the food and the 3rd just relaxing and waits until. she is very shy and stays back on everything. the personality differences are the best fun for me so far. Smiles
My chicks are 4 weeks old and in a brooder. This morning I woke up and heard them making weird noises. Looked into the brooder and saw two of the three laying on the floor having what looked like seizures. The other was standing over one and pecking at it like she was puzzled what was going on. They were all squawking up a storm.
It turns out they were dust bathing in the wood chips.

that would scare me haha :D
Hi chicklover3990,

I've been reading that if you have more than one rooster, they are likely to fight with each other and may even kill each other, but I think it's a matter of how much space you have and if you can separate the flocks because surely there are farms out there with more than just one rooster.  Especially since there's a 50% chance any egg is going to hatch into a rooster.

I agree with you and it can also depend on a lot of different things such as age of the roosters, temperment and how many hens are in the flock. I heard that its good to have around 12 hens to a rooster and plenty of space! It's pretty for roosters to scuffle during the spring time but as long as the loser of the fight has plenty of space to run away and hide from the winner, it should be okay.
They drank from the "water fountain", yanked a million times on my camera string thing you put over your wrist, got their coop and run cleaned out and got their first treat ball dispenser with a new to them type of seed mix treats. They also got a real tree branch to roost on in their run, their little board in the concrete blocks just wasn't working for them anymore. Shetan, our young rooster, had his head in the corner with his back to the run when one of my silver laced wyandottes flew right into his rear end and he let out the loudest HONK! Shetan is "coming into" his voice, he tried his first crow yesterday... scared the ever living daylights out of himself and all the others, lol. They scrambled and flew to hiding spots, Shetan's feet were scrambling before he was even done with his crow attempt heehee.

Here's what they did
My chickens spent their first night out in the coop on Saturday. I was so nervous! At dusk, I had to put them in the coop and shut the door. They peeped for a while ...then I waited a half hour and checked on them...they were all quiet and snoozing

They spent the next day out in their pen and when it was time for bed they seemed scared. Is that normal or am I just a crazy chicken lady? I put them in their coop and closed the door and one kept flying up to the window. An hour later, yes I checked on them again, they were all quiet.

I went home at lunch today and 4 out of 8 were in their coop hanging out. I coaxed all of them out and game them some grapes, lettuce and flax seed...they had a ball!
Today my little feather babies went for their first "un-caged" outside adventure. They're still very small at only a week and two days so I stayed outside with them to watch over them. But boy did they have a blast, they tested out their wings and a few actually got pretty good lift! A few rolled around in the dirt, they found bugs and when I sat down they came and crawled all over me, as well as started inspecting my clothing and trying to remove my leg freckles! D: Oh and two started fighting, I guess they're trying to establish the pecking order.

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