What do you like in a chick chair?

Apr 19, 2022
221B Baker Street

I posted a little while back about a chick with issues in one leg. It literally faces in the exact opposite direction. We determined that Ollie was never going to get better, and that it was a birth defect (due to my broody not be ready for motherhood and leaving the nest way too often for extended periods of time), so we made the decision to amputate below the joint. She reacted very well, and has already stood, though not upright. For comparison, she couldn't stand at all before. She is just over three weeks old. Assuming she survives the night, I'd like to make a chick chair for her just in case she doesn't quite learn to be upright. I've seen a thread with a lot of good photos, but I want to know what works for you, and if chicks react better to certain things.

Thank you!




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