What goat breed would be best for cheese and goat milk soap?

LaManchas are by far the cutest




These are our two girls - Zing, the black one, and Zest, the yellow-striped one. Zing is the more laid-back type, but gets in A LOT of trouble, as she's very mischievous at times (but only because she wants attention or chicken food. . .), and Zest is more of a follower, not quite as friendly, but a lot more playful. Can't wait until I milk them.



I took these photos about a week ago, early in the morning. Now they wear halters, and are turning a year old this March.
After I researched all of your suggestions I think I want to start with the Lamancha. I find them a little funky looking but I can learn to love ugly if it is sweet animal and gives me lots of milk

About how much do they cost?
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Cost depends a lot on your area I think. I paid $400 for my two does that were bred and registered (mini-manchas). I don't know what the cost tends to be in other areas.
Nobody has mentioned my breed of choice, Sables! They are easygoing, gentle, quiet, and heavy producers. A Sable is a coloured Saanen.

I had a Nubian, she didn't last long. She was a screamer for no apparent reason, difficult to handle, difficult to milk, really not worth the trouble. Incidentally the lady I bought my goats from was an ex-Nubian owner, as is the dairy owner from whom we are buying our new buck!
In Michigan, they sell for about $175-250 for a registered doe. Bucks run $75-200. I love mine, very sweet and much quieter and less obnoxious than other goat breeds, but Clover's no pushover!

You hardly even notice the lack of ears after a few weeks, you get used to it.


Besides, they DO HAVE EARS, they are just very small. This is my doe Cloverbud above. Good milker, excellent mother. They are also very cold hardy animals.

My friend Val and her family recently moved to Catawba VA. They bought a small farm and have chickens but want to raise goats for milk and cheese. I live in Washington but I'm doing some online research to determine which goats would be best for them and found your posting. I'll pass your suggestion on to her.

She is a home-schooler too, so you have lots in common. I'll suggest she join this forum too.

Where did you buy your goats?



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