What happened to her feet??????

Speaking of drawing out infection- have you considered using ichthammol on it? If there was ever an instance where drawing salve would be recommended, I would say this is it. I am pretty sure that there is some sort of infection in the toe. Where it started is the question. I am thinking something may have gotten jammed under the toenail as there are no other open areas to account for it. Soaking in epsom salts is a great idea and may indeed be all that's needed. If the soaks don't work, though, I would try the ichthammol before I started cutting into the toe. You have the luxury of time whereas most folks don't. Foot/toe infections don't usually get noticed until the bird is hobbling around with a horribly infected limb/appendage and the problem must be fixed ASAP. I would use the time to explore non-surgical options in treating this issue.

thanks for the advice! if the epsom salt doesn't work I will certainly try that.

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