What is difference between scratch and peck feeds vs regular chicken feed?

I have just now cut down on the treats I am giving my ducks and I can see a change in my drake. He is getting thinner(not in a bad way...just losing weight) and is a faster runner!
Do you know of one that makes an all-flock type pellet? I ended up buying Full-o-pep layer pellets this time around from a local store but it's still not my ideal feed.
Have you looked at the ALL FLOCK TAB on here yet? I have recently made this spread sheet so all feeds should be up to date. Are you wanting a local feed or are you ok with mail ordering it?
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I’ve never seen organic that is medicated. More often than not I see more nonmedicated than medicated. I don’t remember it being like that about five years ago. But there’s three I can think of off the top of my head that tractor supply sells. I’d have to remember the names but I’m picturing the bags in my head because I’m there every week

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