What is the name of your farm/ranch?

I live on a hilltop in New England, on a road called Moose Hill Rd. My farm is yet a work in progress, calling it a mini farm is grandiose. But optimistically I call it Moose Hill Farm.

There are no moose here, so apparently the road is named after a long ago memory of moose. There is a hill however, so I decided to go with the place name. Figured moose in any form was scenic enough.
Ache-N-Back Acres

Ours is the, "Flock U Farm" and it is a play on words in several different ways. I am a perpetual student, thus the "U", I raise chickens, and so the "Flock" is a reality, and I have goats and keets and other critters and I do raise things to eat, so I think that qualifies me as a ,"Farm", and when you put it together, it is a sweet little message to my evil neighbor.

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