What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

Of my 3 hens, the Black Australorp named Pearl is by far the sweetest. Our 8 year old granddaughter can pick her up and set her down endlessly without a single complaint! Everybody that meets her falls in love at first sight!
Darla, is my favorite. She is a bantam cochin and I just recenlty figured out what variety because I want to get her a roo that would make babies as cute as her. She has been used for show and tell at my boys' preschools and more. She doesn't even quit laying (for a cochin at least) after trips into town and being handled by about 20 kids (while under VERY close supervision of corse).

I lover her!

My RIR's are the friendliest of my 4 chickens with Klara being by far the friendliest! She's also the head girl of her flock!

Same here. Our 'nasty' chicken Elizabeak was the 'middle chicken' until the Maran died, now she is 2nd from the bottom and she's nastier than before. I wonder if the pecking order determines temperament or temperament determines flock status?

I know isn't NOT brains, Our dumbest chicken is Pinky Pie' s BFF Henny Penny and she's the #2 chicken.

PS:This is my favorite thread right now and I am really enjoying the pictures of all these beautiful chickens.
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The one on the left is Henrietta, an Ameraucana/Easter Egger. She is the sweetest bird! We have only been "chicken farmers" less than 6 months and raised her and a dozen others from 1 day old hatchlings. Henrietta comes running as soon as I step foot out the back door,lol. I had no idea that chickens had such personalities. I can see myself raising chickens for the rest of my life. They give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

The bird on the right is "Bid Red" another Ameraucana/Easter Egger. Big Red recently laid the biggest egg I've ever seen. It was about 6 inches in diameter and about 6 and 7/8 inches long! I'm surprised she didn't pass out, lol. I am enjoying the green eggs both she and Henrietta lay. Henrietta's eggs are much smaller and a darker green than Big Red's. Below are pics of Big Red's latest "accomplishment", ha ha ha!

This is the largest chicken egg I've ever seen! Of course, we've only been at this for 6 months and our hens have only been laying since August (about 6 weeks). The egg looks wet because it just came out of the refrigerator. When I took it out to take photos to post, it started sweating terribly, lol.

I'm still amazed at the size and coloration differences from one breed to another and even within the same breeds. And no, my hand isn't small .... that egg is just HUGE!

We have silver laced wyandottes, Ameraucana/Easter Egger bantams and standards, and 1 golden seabright and she is such a beauty! Out of these 3 breeds, the Ameraucana/Easter eggers are the friendliest and allow us to pick them up most all of the time. The wyandottes were the next to "come around" and recently (past few weeks) about 3 of the 5 will allow us to pick them up. The seabright has just started warming up to us. I was able to pick her up twice today, but that is not the norm. She likes to do her own thing.

Happy chicken ranching to all!
My friendliest chicken is Henny. This is she....
... It would be great to keep Henny's genes around for as long as I decide to keep chickens (which will be until the day I die!)

Hope you enjoyed my story...

Kelly and Henny. :)
I enjoyed your storry very much. Thanks so much for posting it.

PS: I hope you have many little Henny's in your future!
My friendliest is my Red Star, Hazel. She always comes running over to us and follows us around the yard. She will let us pick her up and never fights with the other chickens! I love her!

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