What is your latest prepping project?

The only problem with cord wood, it that it eventually shrinks, leaving gaps all around each log. Since this is only a shop, I don't care so much, but it it were a house, you'd probably have a non stop caulking project.

Does it help if the wood is well seasoned and very dry?
I thought mine was, but maybe not. The yurt in well over 15 years old now, and I'm able to grab a log here and there, and am able to slide it back and forth.

I suppose even well seasoned wood is going to shrink over time as it warms and cools and decays. Maybe it would help to seal the ends with wood dealer after construction. Like you said though, probably something caulk could fix if needed.
I suppose even well seasoned wood is going to shrink over time as it warms and cools and decays. Maybe it would help to seal the ends with wood dealer after construction. Like you said though, probably something caulk could fix if needed.
I was originally going to build my home this way. I'm pretty glad I went with cinderblock instead.
All I know are the walleye are biting so fishing I'd a must right now. Filling the freezer while I can. The wife is busy canning the carrots from the garden. Must have gotten 50 lbs this year.
That is pretty awesome. It is my first year (and first winter) on my recently purchased homestead, so we are gearing up for winter here. Have to finish building the run in shed for the horses, buy heaters for all the waterers, and make sure we have plenty of food and gas for the generator stocked up. Winter is coming! :p
Getting fencing up for sheep for meat and raising a new crop of chicks to replace our layers as they age. Looked into a well but price is crazy. L
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My husband and I have 32 acres here on the mountain. Hayfield,pasture and sugarbush. We are totally off grid with solar wind and generators. Yes,peppers. Lots of people are doing this. I can our food. I've ordered some of the 25 year food packs to put aside. We have fruit trees and gardens. Now started with the chickens again. We're retired so have the time now for things just not the bodies. Yes, built our own place with our own logs. Very plain and simple. We have a sap house, barn hen house and insulated garden shed that could double as a guest house. We've gotten very used to this lifestyle. We've hosted open houses to show others how this can be done. See us on utube under Highland Hills Farm, Cornell Small Farm program. Or on Facebook. My husband grew up on a big dairy farm in a nearby small town ,me from a small city about 30 mikes from here. My grandparents were all farmers. I'm the only family member to carry on. Our kids and grand kids not interested. I have my little dog and my cats and now the chickens to keep me busy. Nice days I'll be outside in the gardens. Yes, we believe very bad things are coming. Unfortunately the only places that will be safe will be very remote isolated areas. So right now just do your best to care for yourself. We tell everyone, this isn't aboutmoney. We did all this on very little. If you can afford vacations. New clothes, a car etc. You can get ready to take care of yourself.
Just a note - we tried quail. A lot of work for very little meat on each bird. Yes they do grow quickly and they lay at 7 weeks but they require a lot of time especially in the winter. One thing I discovered was that quail hens don't set their own eggs very well. When I read this I thought they were nuts but they really don't. When we added to our numbers we had to hatch them in the incubator. I am not sure how they would do up North. We are in Alabama and we rarely get down to cold and snow will shut the town down lol so they just needed a lot of hay and a dry place. We tried rabbit as well but really didn't care for the texture of the meat.

We are starting a small flock of sheep this year. We used to live in England and we like the meat and they are very easy to take care of. We will go with Katadhan hair sheep so we won't have to worry about shearing. Trying to vary the diet from chicken and venison in an ugly situation.

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