What kind of dog do you have?

My Doodle girls! Both are labradoodles and are total opposites of each other and are best buds.

Ruby (the silver one) is going on 8 years old in Oct and is the best dog ever. She trains like a dream, smart as a whip, is very personable with everybody she meets, is a fabulous guard-dog, and has the funniest quirks. We shoot squirrels that venture in our yard to sneak the chicken food and Ruby takes them down when they are wounded and fall from the tree. Anyway, whenever someone take out the rifle she gets so excited it's hilarious! It only took her once to figure out that gun=squirrel hunt. I can also point out something to her such as a bird on the beach or a rabbit in a field and she takes off after it (not always a good thing!). I'd like to do agility or obedience with her, but sadly just don't have the time. She would be fabulous at it though! Her downside is that she has a scary strong prey drive and I can't trust her around the chickens. She has never killed any of them, but I can tell when she is out with them she is just waiting for me to say "ok" and she'd attack. She also is very dominant and often gets into fights with other dominant dogs, she just has to be "queen" when she is around other dogs. Thankfully Mia, our other dog is very compliant!

Mia ("lavender" colored) is a 70 lb goofball. I can honestly say she is the dumbest dog I've ever met! Her temperament is the best and totally opposite of Ruby! Mia's that lovey dovey, velcro-dog

If you didn't know that she had all the health testing done by her breeder and that her sight and hearing are sound, you'd think she was deaf and blind! She seriously has selective sight and hearing
(though part of it may be all of her fur!). Her downsides are that she is a pain in the butt to train, and she is a serious chicken murderer. Her prey drive is stronger than Ruby's plus she can't control herself when the adrenaline is going. It's been tough with Mia, but she is soo worth it.

These girls are an example of the temperament/personality differences there are in labradoodles. They aren't all dumb and they obviously all aren't smart
, but for people with allergies they are a great option when getting a dog.

Ruby with bed-head!

Ruby in the Yard


Ultimate "Beach Hair"


Anyone know what kind of dog I have

He is very active, barks ALOT, alert, great with kids, loves to be loved on by anyone
The one black one sitting down is Ruby she is ours. This was when first got her I don't have any pics right now. Therese

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