What rabbit breed is he?

Well, that one's interesting. I would have just gone with "small mixed breed" if it weren't for the tattoo - I can't think why someone would tattoo a mix, unless they were trying to develop their own breed, or something. His coat looks too long for him to be a Mini Rex. He could be a Mini Satin, but I'm not seeing the really bright sheen of the Satin coat. Besides, Mini Satins don't come in Broken (yet), though that doesn't mean someone isn't working on them. Polish come in Broken, but if he's around 5 pounds, he's way too big for a Polish.
he looks like a mix, and mot people tattoo even mixes, he is prable a meat mutt, and someone was going to use him for met breeding, so they tattooed him.
of he could also be someone's former 4H bunny, which is required to be tattooed to take to fairs, and some fairs take mixes, but he could be pure, but I can not think of a 5lb one that would look like him.
Yes, he is definitely not a rex or satin -- he just has a regular coat. I didn't think about 4H kids tatooing at all. Thats makes sense though. He was definitely handled and is probably my most friendly rabbit so it would make sense he was shown in 4H. Thank you for that I have been going nuts over what is he.
Quite possibly a mix. My first litter of bunnies were 3/4 [Min?] Rex and 1/4 Satin and all but two had normal coats. Go figure. Small rabbit mix. It's good he's friendly. :)
I'm not sure why he would be tattooed except for 4-H, but a rabbit doesn't have to be pure to be tattooed.
Some meat raisers even tattoo the live fryers they sell to help make sure they don't end up as someone's brood stock. (Not that yours is a meat bun. Just an example.)

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