what time of day do your chickens lay eggs


lorain's fids

8 Years
Jul 9, 2011
New Jersey
I am curious as to what time of day do chickens lay their eggs. And once they do start laying is the time of day fairly consistent. My girls are 23 weeks this week, looking foward to my first egg.
I think my chickens have an order they lay there egg. Moe usually starts in morning. They take turns in 2 nesting boxes, an are usually done by early afternoon.
I don't know why but mine are on an afternoon schedule............ sometime between 2-5pm.
Mine start as early as 7am and I got my last eggs yesterday at 3pm. By the way.....I got 6 eggs yesterday, a record for my girls!!1
!!! Congrats to your girls on their first egg!
I will be very excited when my first egg arrives!!
I have four production birds who lay virtually the same time every day: 9 am. Then I have 3 EE's whose schedules change by several hours each day. They will lay around 8 am the first day, then 11 the next, then 2 the next and then they skip a day. The same is true of my Cuckoo Maran, though she usually lays for two days and then takes a day off.
Our 4 girls start anywhere from 6 or 7 a.m. to right before they go in (now 5:30 p.m.). According to Raising Chickens for Dummies, it takes each hen 25 hours to produce another egg so their time is ever changing and you'll have a day or two in their cycle where you won't get an egg from each hen. Amazing process!!

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