
I think just about everybody either has or had this problem It can occur rom several things But the one thing that gets me most is they get chilled somewhere along the road But when I put them in the brooder I put some mineral oil on their butts and this keeps stuff from sticking and helps keep them a lot cleaner It cheap and inexpensive but it works

I didn't read the rest of the threads as you have a lot of good replies.

For the last 10-plus years, every batch of babies I hatch or buy gets probiotics on day 2 or 3 (whenever their 2nd day of eating it), and then weekly thereafter until they're 6 weeks old at least.

You can use plain yogurt (1 teaspoon per 6 chicks at birth up to 1 teaspoon per adult bird). You can also buy Probios dispersible powder and it's awesome!! My birds love yogurt like it's a treat. But if yours don't, the probios powder on food quickly eaten (not used in the water) is very helpful. ANd you can use it on adults to boost feed efficiency, and for birds being medicated. (You can't do that with yogurt if it's a -mycin or -cycline drug.) At $8 per small bottle and 1/4 teaspoon for an adult bird's serving, it's extremely economical when you keep it in the refrigerator.

Keeping the good bacteria in their gut boosted also helps them to absorb their food better, not get secondary digestive illnesses and diarrhea if they get anything respiratory, and over all makes them much more thrifty and vigorous birds.
A much simpler solution is the traditional one: Feed nothing but water for the first three days and then ease them onto food. Its how Nature does it.

I feed milled oatmeal, hard boiled egg and a bit of green feed for the first 3-4 days, which completes their first week. After that, I start giving them starter feed.

Yogurt is fine, if you want to give it, but I find it isn't needed. Which is good, 'cause that leaves more for me!
What exactly is green feed?

There are three classes of food for chickens:


"Green feed" fulfills the latter class. This includes things like cabbage, kale, collards, succulent grasses, cover crops, lettuces, root crop leaves, etc.
Yikes! Their systems are still new and are still developing. Yeah they will eat it....they aren't too smart and solely depend on us or momma hen to provide for them. Whatever we give them, they will try and eat. I was always told "nothing but starter feed."

And molasses is a laxative used for human babies and us older ones to! You add it to baby formula if they get constipated. Been there done that!

Okay, I think we were all suppose to just give our cures for patsy butt. So that they can all be considered.

No cure here, I have never (fingers crossed because I am cursing myself) had to deal with patsy butt.
Good Luck and three horses has always given very solid, straight forward sound advise, so I always listen to threehorses, dlhunicorn & Glenda L. Heywood. There are others out there that have great advise to, but the ones that have responded to any of my posts and others that I have been on, have been my 3 Saving Graces listed above!

Good Luck!

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