What's so special about Silkies? [got them!]



I'm in shock!!!!

Oh allright. I'm your friend. So I'll forgive you. I'll explain my reasons the best I can too.

The first time I saw a photo of one (brand new to chickens)... My mouth opened all of it's own accord... I couldn't stop laughing at them. Yes, I did actually think they were super cute.. but there was also someting about the shock value.. and they looked nothing like a chicken.
I bought my first batch of eggs online and my incubator.. and told my mom I had bought chciken eggs, that's all. When asked what kind of chicken.. I said "I dunno.. just chickens"
. After they had hatched I finally sent her a photo of what they would grow up to look like.
Mom's like... "Is that a Puppy?"...
"No mom.. I said those are what the chicks will turn into" Mom... "So you got another kind of bird then instead of chickens?"

So that was the start of it. I thought for sure the neighbors also, would never realize we were keeping chickens (ignoring the sound part there). As one BYC member mentioned.. "No I don't have chickens! Those are Giant Crested House Pigeons!"

Then I fell in love with my little ones. They are very very sweet.. they watch me all the time when they see me. When I pick them up, they feel so soft and fluffy. I love soft and fluffy.

They are supposed to be fabulously broody.. which is something I wanted.

They aren't heavy layers. But not the lightest layers, either.. (So says a chicken chart). The eggs aren't super tiny. Allthough I was hoping for that for humor value. I'll just have to get a serama or something for my amusingly tiny eggs now.

And their feathers... individually are the most interesting things to see. I've already got two marvelous craft projects in mind for them.. I just need everyone to shed more, and stop pooing on what they shed before I get to it!

They use the feathers for fly fishing, too.
What's the black tendons connection to medicinal? Good for Joint health, heart???

It's an Asian medicine thing. Cook it with herbs of all sorts and drink the broth for health. The combination of herbs helps dictate if it is for joints, heart, pain, menopause, fertility and so on.
What's the black tendons connection to medicinal? Good for Joint health, heart???

It's an Asian medicine thing. Cook it with herbs of all sorts and drink the broth for health. The combination of herbs helps dictate if it is for joints, heart, pain, menopause, fertility and so on.

Interesting! Thanks for the info!

I have heard that they can be broody, but is that the only thing that makes them better? If that's the only deciding factor, I probably won't get one. We don't have a rooster, so I don't see the point of having a broody hen.

Ahh...but you could buy fertile eggs from someone else and slip them under your broody and have chicks!
No need for an incubator.

wanted to add I just got three silkies myself. They sure are adorable at this stage.
here is a photo:

Mine are just now turning into silkie dinosaurs. I don't have a new photo yet though.

That would be a plus, but I also could just go and buy already hatched chicks and not have to worry about getting the eggs, and whether or not they hatch.
How much do fertile eggs cost anyhow? And what kind of area do you have to put the hen while she's being broody? I'm guessing you can't just leave them in the regular chicken area with the other chickens.

And yes, the babies are cute, but the adult version is not.
I like friendly chickens.

Now because their feathers are different texture, do they get all matted up and gross? I feel like they'd be high maintenance, which isn't something I'd like to have in a chicken. I want them to be able to be out playing in the mud after it rains with the other chickens without risking it becoming a wet disaster, possibly leading to illness. And yes, my chickens really like to play in mud puddles after it rains. They never look like they've been wet or anything, just are covered with caked on dirt.
Well... Mine look quite clean to me. They are two months old.. and I did give them their first bath last week when they went out in the run (the brooder got dirty while we were outside working on the 'Halfway House'.. so their feet were yicky. It was fun though.. I set them in the water and they almost fell asleep.. then at the end of the baths I was steering them around like little boats.. going 'swishy swishy swishy' floating their soft tails back and forth on top of the water... I know.. childhood is calling.
Since then they are still white. They were still fluffy with yellow feet though

I have no experience with mud! Mine are still on grass... Yes.. I do still have all the grass.. Don't know how long it will last.

I can imagine they get dirty in mud. Mud does that, you know. Would probably fall off when it dries.
They are supposed to do really well in cold.

But hey.. you know.. it's not bad to not favor something (doesen't mean some people need to use the word 'hate') but.. it's not like theres some greater chicken world acceptance club that says you must own a silkie.
Just have what makes you happy.

I know I could never have a chicken with enormous bare dinosaur feet. I'm sure they have their own beauty.. but I can't see it. Others do, and I am happy for them. So you don't have to have a silkie.

But now... you never say you dislike a silkie ever again! hmmmpf! Go and look at my Silkies and fib to me that they are cute! Or else!

I never said I hated them, just that they were ugly. And yes, I do think they're ugly. Still. When they're babies, they're cute, but almost all babies (of any kind) are cute.

Mine are in mud right now, because it's been raining non-stop for the past two weeks. I feel bad for them, but there's nothing I can do about it. They don't really seem to mind though.

But, sadly, I'm still not convinced to get one.

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