What's so special about Silkies? [got them!]

ChickenZoo said it best!!!!!!

If you don't just LOVE everything about them...DON'T GET THEM!!!!! That's why there are a gazillion other breeds.

You should only keep what makes you smile and feels right to you. I get a funny little flutter in my chest when I see silkies, therefore that's what I have. If RIR or Buff Orpingtons or whatever, gives you that feeling...GO FOR IT! Thank goodness we don't all like the same things. Then the wonderful diversity of plants, animals and people would be wasted.

Oh, and let me say, I don't condemn people for eating what they raise.....but around here I don't eat anything I've named. Enough said.
Silkies are a goofy little bird, but they do sort of grow on you over time.

I would not have ordinarily had anything to do with them, but my oldest daughter chose them as her breed to show so we got some.

I have heard that they can be broody, but is that the only thing that makes them better? If that's the only deciding factor, I probably won't get one. We don't have a rooster, so I don't see the point of having a broody hen.

Ahh...but you could buy fertile eggs from someone else and slip them under your broody and have chicks!
No need for an incubator.

wanted to add I just got three silkies myself. They sure are adorable at this stage.
here is a photo:

Mine are just now turning into silkie dinosaurs. I don't have a new photo yet though.

OMG! I love that picture!!!
You should post that on the thread for the magazine pictures...def calendar material!
Oh I adore my silkies! Chip will roost on my shoulder and snuggle with my hair. Jumbo will crawl in my shirt. Rika will cuddle with me and fall asleep on my lap or under my arm.
They are real sweethearts!
I have 2 and I got them for my daughter because she saw them on a PBS show about chickens and fell in love and they are supposed to be very good brooders and mothers i also have a Turken and 3 Polish and several bantys and several reg size chickens i just like cool and unusual looking birds i guess it's because my grandfather has a very diverse flock and when i look at mine it reminds me of him.
Ahh...but you could buy fertile eggs from someone else and slip them under your broody and have chicks!
No need for an incubator.

wanted to add I just got three silkies myself. They sure are adorable at this stage.
here is a photo:

Mine are just now turning into silkie dinosaurs. I don't have a new photo yet though.

OMG! I love that picture!!!
You should post that on the thread for the magazine pictures...def calendar material!

Thank you, I have some other photos too. I didn't realize there was such a thread?
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How can you say that?
I'm the turken/naked neck chicken lady. Lol. But anyways,silkies are so adorable to most people and are the sweetest chickens! I have a rooster who is the most friendly in my whole flock of 80 or so chickens! Also,they're great mothers and great first timer pets. Their feathers are like fur -- and people like that because their cool! Also,they have black skin. Don't forget,they make good pillows!
If you think that silkies and turkens are ugly,wait till you see this-

How can you say that?
I'm the turken/naked neck chicken lady. Lol. But anyways,silkies are so adorable to most people and are the sweetest chickens! I have a rooster who is the most friendly in my whole flock of 80 or so chickens! Also,they're great mothers and great first timer pets. Their feathers are like fur -- and people like that because their cool! Also,they have black skin. Don't forget,they make good pillows!
If you think that silkies and turkens are ugly,wait till you see this-



I've decided that if I were to get one, it'd only be because they'll raise chicks. I have a BO and two Old English Game bantams, that are old enough to lay, and none of them have tried to be broody. They're only a year old though, so that might have something to do with it.
I still think they're ugly.

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