What's so special about Silkies? [got them!]

I love mine.
They look like they are wearing gogo britches with fur coats, have neat 5 toe feet (same amount of toes as a person), black alien eyes (could be the tribble in em'), can be ditzy, has afro do on their heads, some have beards too, and when excited they quack like a duck.

I think Silkies are confused sometimes as to what they are, but find them to be adorable to have.

But like another poster said not everyone is going to want the same breed. Diversity is fun. Silkies are a unique in their own way and yes they do get compared to being the poodles of the chicken world. Not everyone is into poodles though that is ok as that leaves homes for the other breeds.

I also love my Wyandottes and Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas. Also have some adorable bantam frizzle cochins too. I just really love fluffy breeds.

I've got to get one now.

I love ducks. I used to have two, but had to get rid of them because they were being mean to my chickens, and they almost got killed by dogs when they were out. A 4-H friend took them and are planning to show them.
yes they quack. The first time they did it I was confused and looking for a duck in the yard. Then discovered it is their alarm call. Soo funny.
"What's so special about Silkies?"

Hmm... Well, I like them for a number of reasons.

1 - They have interesting and sometimes complex personalities. Mine growl, crow, cluck, coo, laugh, and giggle. I like to think my group of bachelor Silkies tell eachother dirty jokes all day and laugh.

2 - They don't mind the kids handling them, and since they're not the fastest things they're easily caught by little ones. They're always chosen for loving by the kids and visiting kids, and they're never stressed by it. They even let the little ones hand-feed them scratch and treats. Even the Roo's!

3 - Their feathers are an interesting texture, great for cuddling.

4 - Mine like to hang around me, whether I have treats or not. While the other chickens are always ranging, wherever I am there is typically a Silkie trailing behind me.

5 - Broodiness. I like their broodiness and dedication to their babies. Better than an incubator.

6 - Unlike their larger counterparts, I can keep multiple Silkie roosters together in peace and harmony, thereby enjoying their more flamboyant plumage and character.

Now, that being said, Silkies are my favorites for pets. However my Leghorns, Orpingtons, and Easter Eggers are my favorites for eggs, and my Brahma's are my favorites for hardiness and dual-purpose. So... I guess to each their own!

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