whats the best treat your chickens love?

I haven't found anything that my chickens don't go crazy for... I like to hang ears of sweet corn (tie some jute around the husk, that I peel back and leave attached) in the run when I put them in for the evening. It gives them something to do and they clean those cobs off spectacularly! I hang several of them around so everyone get a turn pecking at them. It looks like they're swatting at a pinata, ole!
my chickens love strawberries, mama hen traded me her chicks for them, they also liked raspberries better than blackberries
favortie bugs are crickets, I think they are fat and juicy and hardest to catch/find, all the bugs at my house are terrified
Liver (raw), Poultry, as far as that goes any type of meat and if is bloody that is even better.

With my gals its a toss up between boiled egg yokes,(my wife doesn't eat hers, regular health nut) and fresh or thawed blueberries. Either one causes them to throw caution to the wind. Even the lowest one on the pecking order will bully her way in and snatch them from me.
I'm new at the whole chicken thing, I just got my chickens on Tuesday...but I have already discovered a few things they love: COOKED BROWN RICE, SQUASH SEEDS and RAISINS. I have taught them to eat right out of my hand. My girls are 5 months old and I don't think they were hand-fed before, but so far I've been able to get two of them to eat from my hand. They went absolutely crazy over the RAISINS this morning. It was so much fun!

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