whats the best treat your chickens love?

My 5 chickens are crazy for raisins. I now have to let them get their own straight from the container because it's a feeding frenzy and if I try to hand each of them a raisin my fingers get in the way and I end up being pecked many times.
They like bread, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes (except my Silky roo - won't eat tomatoes), pasta - but mealworms - that's what I use for bribes, treats, etc.

All I have to say is "do you want some worms?" and they will literally start running back and forth in the pens and some of them climbing/jumping up the sides. And if I shake the worm container, no matter where they are they will come running or flying (or running and flapping their wings and pretending to fly). I always hand feed them and have to remind them "hey - watch the fingers!"
Mine love any bug. Mind you, they're only 3 weeks old but they will tear after a stinkbug as if they'd been doing it for years. Yesterday a fat big spider fell into the brooder, that was the end of him. You'd think as if they had nothing to eat for weeks, the way the fight each other for the delicacy of a stinkbug. Note: I do feed them a nutritious grower feed as well as healthy snacks. It got warmer yesterday so the stinkbugs came out in force. The chicks had a field day with them.
I've only had my chickens for a week, but right away they revealed their personalities. My dominate hen, Peggy Lee, is always the very first one to greet me when I come outside. I swear she thinks she's a rooster because she's not afraid of anything and bosses the other hens around like crazy. She also loves to eat out of my hands, especially raisins. Today I went out to feed them and they all came running to me except Peggy Lee. She wouldn't come to me and when I went to where she was standing and showed her the raisins she ran away from me like she was scared. She hid under a pine tree and refused to come out. What the heck??? I saw her eating later when I looked out the window, so she appears to be okay, but I wonder why the sudden change in behavior.
I have yet to see anything my chickens won't eat...LOL I call here chick chick, and I get mobbed.....
there newest favorite is a pumpkin



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