Whats the STORY behind your interesting CHICKEN NAMES?

My 3 little silkie darlings that survived an outrageous temperature spike for 10+ hours on day 21 are Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
My Christmas chickie is named Navidad by my sister-in-law as she raced out the door to catch a plane to Mexico...

OH! My sweet, angelic swans that grace my pond are Gabriel, Michael and Mary...

Love, Love, Love, LOVE them all!
Dot, because as a chick she had a dot on her head
Brucilla, she was the biggest chick
Lucy, because she was red
Max was originally Mary, then Mary Martin, but he's just Max now
3 leghorns that I still can't tell apart
3 RIR that I still can't tell apart
I have names for them, but don't want to offend anyone
Rosie, her comb and wattles turned rosie first
Gorgeous, she is
Goldie, her breast is gold
Pretty too, because she is
we found a rooster standing in the middle of the road near troy lane his name ended up being troy. named a chick lucky because when we got him along with the other chicks from our mcmuary hatchery order he was dead. our neigber who picked up the chicks from the post office for us put him under a heat lamp and rubbed his stomach for a little bit and he woke up.
Hadn't planned on names but one of mine had pasty butt and I had to
designate her so the top of her head was red(ish) and she became Ruby.
The one with red but a black design in it became Rorshacht. ( both Hamburgs)
Mister T (RIR) was easy because she had a black mohawk line on her head and she was
the biggest, that became Misty. Maybelline (s/l) had a black line over and past her eye,
Catwoman (s/l) had a black stripe that covered her eye like a mask.
The other big one (RIR) became Geena because I have always been
hot for Geena Davis and she's a big girl too.
The Yokohamas were the last to get named, nothing came to mind.
They are white, no markings. Finally the teeniest sprouted a dark feather along
the top of a wing, an epaulette, and so Paulette.
A week or so later I gave up and named the remaining Yokohama Yoko.
Well the name Nugget came from when we got her we had my dog with us and she kept looking at the chicks like "gimme some chicken Nuggets!!"
and they were so small so we named her Nugget

Henry and Raptor are blk sex links. THey were suposed to be pullets but clearly when Raptor was pecking everyone on the head at three weeks old, she was surely a he and a vicious thing at that, so Raptor it was. ANd sweet Henry, I continued to hope he would become a Henrietta. He is a sweet and gentle guy, slow to mature, and now keeps a group of sweet gentle buff orpingtons to himself. They go off foraging together as a little family unit.
mine aren't really intreresting Dorian (because he's grey lol) Jake came to us with that name , Rocky because he was 1/4 jakes size when he decided he was big enough to take him lol of course Rockys hen is Addrienne , Blue because he's blue lol , Speck because my daughter said he's covered in specks (mille fleur ) , Whitey of course he's white , JJ (jake JR.) , Cookie and Mom (cuckoo marans my daughter thought we were calling them cookie and mom lol ) the rest we're still working on names lol right now they are the chickens in pen number 9 or 7 or whatever lol oh and Hershey my first Claret chick to hatch this year he's the prettiest chocolatey color right now !
One of my first pullets was originally named Henny Penny. Then, one of my dogs got her and was carrying her around in his mouth - when I yelled at him he dropped her. I thought she was dead, ran over, picked her up and much to my surprise she was alive. No puncture wounds, but sopping wet and not wanting to get up. I kept her with me for about three hours until she was better. Once I knew she was going to survive - I renamed her "Biker" because she's tough. She's now "Biker" Chic.

I got a four week old black sexlink and my little sister named her Night (the yellow chick was Sunny, another barely saved from Fluffy). Then she was so outgoing- running up and pecking my boots- and never having had chicks before, i assumed she was a roo. So, my friend named her Ninga. Well, she turned out to be a she, and a beautiful, friendly, greenly iridescent she at that. So her name is Emeralda, or Emmie for short.

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