When do chickens molt?

It depends on the hen and how much the molt takes out of her. (body weight wise) Anywhere from 2-5 months.

I'm finding out chickens are not very dependable on laying eggs. I have six and they are seven months old. I was getting around 20 eggs a week at the peak in early October. Now I'm getting 7 a week. On top of that they stop laying if the wind is too bad or it rains too hard or if it snows. Now I have the molt. I may need to get more hens, is that the chicken math people are talking about ?
With decreased light, it is normal for them to slow down in production. They are animals, not egg machines. Light absolutely affects egg production. Generally, weather doesn't, unless it keeps them from getting water to drink. My production is increasing now with some new layers starting up and some that were molting have also started back up.

And yes, you're encountering the beginnings of chicken math.
I have 8 and get 5-6 a day still in this cold weather with no extra lighting. They are 9 months old , [one is one and a half years old ]. One is in full molt but they are happy with their special treats they get.
Is it normal for chickens to look really fluffy or fuzzy while they are moulting?
I'm not certain but I'm pretty sure two of my hens are moulting. They look kind of fluffy and one of them is starting to get a bare bum. They are still laying most days though.
Happy day! My molting EE who hasn't given me any blue eggs since October, laid an egg yesterday! She is out of molt and back in business. My dozen eggs look so much nicer with the blue eggs mixed in.
so they will stop laying wheb they are molting.i have a Buff thats molting in the mid jan.Go figure when she needs her feathers the most.But I havent seen her laying again in a few wks.Thanks
so they will stop laying wheb they are molting.i have a Buff thats molting in the mid jan.Go figure when she needs her feathers the most.But I havent seen her laying again in a few wks.Thanks

I'm new to this, so I don't know much. But this year, I had an EE molt a tiny molt and stopped laying for 2 months. Then I had a BR have a big ugly molt, and she laid right through it! Go figure! :)
I have had several that have done a small molt but the buff is doing a major. I suppose my thoughts on molting was they only did this during late summer into fall months. But I think my thoughts on molting now are changing and it could b whenever

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