When do chickens start laying eggs?

Day old chicks. $60.00
Feed for 21 weeks. $150.00
First egg! Priceless!
I don't know whom laid it but I think it was a BO
My golden laced Wyandotte is 7 months old and has not laid an egg yet. I also have 2 6 month old Welsommers and a 6 month old leghorn and they have not started to lay eggs yet either. I have a pair of 5 month old Swedish Flowers that I am going to breed when they start laying eggs. It has been very hot this year in Arizona so I am thinking that may be why they have not started laying eggs yet.
My golden laced Wyandotte is 7 months old and has not laid an egg yet. I also have 2 6 month old Welsommers and a 6 month old leghorn and they have not started to lay eggs yet either. I have a pair of 5 month old Swedish Flowers that I am going to breed when they start laying eggs. It has been very hot this year in Arizona so I am thinking that may be why they have not started laying eggs yet.

Welcome to BYC!
You are still very much within the normal range of time when onset of production would occur for the breeds you have listed. It can also be helpful to consider age in terms of weeks vs. months for something like this as there is often a fairly considerable difference in the length of time one person considers "6 months" (as an example) in comparison with another - and weeks can make a big difference in the rate of maturity. Were your birds sourced from hatchery/production lines?
Our girls are just about 20 weeks now, and we've been checking the nesting boxes for over a month... we are NOT patient people! LOL Also, we're kind of optimists.

Man, I can't wait.

Hey, now that it's mid-October here in north Jersey and sundown is at 6:15 p.m., how likely is it that we even will get eggs before spring?

We've got two araucanas, one silver-laced wyandotte, one australorpe, one orpington, and one barred rock, for reference.
I have 10 hens of different varieties all hatched end of April/first of March. Only two are laying! Is this normal?! I also had one hen (EE) who laid an egg a day for about 3 weeks, and now has completely stopped laying. Any advice? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?

Here is what I have:
Blue Marans
Black Marans
Millie Fleur

I also have an EE Rooster who is fully matured.

They free range part of the day, live primarily in a 10x6 run with attached house. 6 nesting boxes, perch areas, food and water available at all times. They have been on laying pellets since about 17 weeks. They also have oyster shell available. I give them meal worms, tomatoes, spinach, and other fresh vegetables based on what I have. I live in the mountains of NC. Sunset is about 7:30/8, average temp these days is 60. (this is an older photo, just attached it for fun)

Our girls are just about 20 weeks now, and we've been checking the nesting boxes for over a month... we are NOT patient people!  LOL  Also, we're kind of optimists.

Man, I can't wait.

Hey, now that it's mid-October here in north Jersey and sundown is at 6:15 p.m., how likely is it that we even will get eggs before spring?

We've got two araucanas, one silver-laced wyandotte, one australorpe, one orpington, and one barred rock, for reference.
I have 10 chickens all about 8 months old, 8 have been laying for approximately 6 weeks my 2 aracanas not yet. I have been told they are known to take their time
I've been reading this forum for over a year now since before jumping onto this craziness. My boys and I are absolutely loving our chickens and keeping them, and this site has been such an amazing resource.

I've tried to be patient without posting this, but I can't resist anymore.

We are in the Boston area. Our winter had been extremely mild, except for about a 2 week colder period. (Currently 64 degrees!)

We have 2 black australorps, 1 RIR, 1 NHR (surprise!) that we got at a day old on June 5th. We added 2 barred rocks that we were told are about 4 weeks younger than the others.

Our australorps have very vibrant red combs, as does our RIR. The BRs are quite red too. Our NHR is a faded pink.

Someone, (I believe only 1) started laying around the second week of January, and I'm up to about one egg a day now. (An off day here or there). I'm not sure if it's 2 chickens laying every other day or one producing. The eggs are pretty similar but different enough it could be different girls.

We are talking even the BR are over 7 months old. The others are all 8 months old. I was patient to take in a delay due to colder weather, but when should I be worried? They're in great health otherwise.

They're on layer feed now that I got an egg, and the eggs are healthy and thick and awesome that I am getting. They also get lots of fruit and veggie treats.

I'm at a loss.... Should I not be getting at least 5 a day? If not 6 some days?

Sorry for the long post, wanted to give as much info as possible. :)
Most of the chicks we raise.. from Hatch or buy... usually start laying about 4- 4 1/2 mo with us. Right now we have some newbies in the yard.. Buff Brahmas.. waiting for them to start... its been just 4 mo now.. and they are getting red.  Now you said you give them egg shells??? if you have the oyster shell it should be enough... regular egg shells.. they may really like and then when they do lay you won't get any eggs... they will become egg eaters.. They only thing to do with them then is soup.
Question, my hens are 61/2 mos no eggs yet but how can I tell if they are eating them or simply not laying yet?
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if they are eating them you will know because it will be wet from the broken eggs n the nest box. mine started laying early (4 1/2 months) but they are just starting to lay now aftrer the winter. 10 hens and 3ducks an I got about 5 eggs a week. now about 24 a week + 6 duck eggs its the amount of light I would say and not there age pretty soon you will be in egg heaven

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