When silkies drink water


Chick Logging
5 Years
Mar 9, 2014
In the country somewhere
I'm not sure if this goes here or not, sorry if it doesn't. Just let me know where if not.
Anyway does anyone who has or is familiar with silkies know why when they drink, they seem to get their whole body wet. Every time I give them water it's like they try to take a bath. Is this normal?
Silkies will dip their crests in the water. This is fine, but make sure they don't do this in winter.

So I would only use the standard waterers in winter to help prevent it.

Ironically, I use the black fortex tubs in the winter during our 2 weeks of 10-20 degrees, as they are easy to get the ice out. I haven't noticed my silkies getting their crests wet in the super cold snap we get for a couple of weeks...I don't have silkies currently though.

So, for a long cold winter I'd opt for a heated metal waterer for the poultry fount instead of a deep dish waterer like a heated dog bowl for them to avoid frostbite. Just my opinion and I have never lived where it gets SUPER cold like NY.

Here, in the winter we get tons of rain and the silkies always are walking around soaked to the skin, even though they have plenty of shelters!! They get a heat lamp in the winter when I have them.
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Silkies will dip their crests in the water. This is fine, but make sure they don't do this in winter.

So I would only use the standard waterers in winter to help prevent it.

Ironically, I use the black fortex tubs in the winter during our 2 weeks of 10-20 degrees, as they are easy to get the ice out. I haven't noticed my silkies getting their crests wet in the super cold snap we get for a couple of weeks...I don't have silkies currently though.

So, for a long cold winter I'd opt for a heated metal waterer for the poultry fount instead of a deep dish waterer like a heated dog bowl for them to avoid frostbite. Just my opinion and I have never lived where it gets SUPER cold like NY.

Here, in the winter we get tons of rain and the silkies always are walking around soaked to the skin, even though they have plenty of shelters!! They get a heat lamp in the winter when I have them.

Thank you for that information, and I was thinking about getting those heated waterers but wasn't sure they would actually work here considering we had a pretty cold winter here. It averaged about 0 most if the winter. Do you know if there is a temp guideline?
I looked through some of those old post and there are both positive and negative reviews. I'm wondering about the cord, will the chickens try to peck or eat it? Has anyone else used a different heater to keep water unfroze?
I looked through some of those old post and there are both positive and negative reviews. I'm wondering about the cord, will the chickens try to peck or eat it? Has anyone else used a different heater to keep water unfroze?
You can start a new thread on this subject since it is a new topic if you don't get many responses on this thread.

Sorry I don't know the answer on that.
Mine do not, i use these and in winter i switched them out.. to keep water open, i have no hydro access for the silkies they all did fine with this arrangement and it was one brutal winter.


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