Which rooster?


5 Years
Nov 23, 2014
The great Pacific Northwest
I am breeding for olive Eggers. I already have a blue copper Marans rooster. He's the head honcho. But I need another roo because the amount of hens I have is growing. I have two roosters to choose from: a black copper Marans or an olive Egger rooster? Which should I choose?:confused:
I, personally, would get the Black Copper. It's easier to control the cross when you have the same egg color with both roosters. Then you don't have to guess about who is breeding which hens and what colors you might get. An Olive Egger rooster is going to add some variables into what you get regarding egg color.

My second question is how old are these roosters you're considering adding? It is not a good idea to try to add adult or even older juvenile roosters. Someone could get get seriously injured.
I have more hens than what my head rooster can breed. Therefore I am adding another rooster. When I say that, I don't mean from another person's farm, but rather from the chicks that I've hatched and will allow into my program. All the other Roos from this clutch were butchered. These are chickens that hatched and have been raised on my farm. Though there is a proper, and safe, way to add adult chickens to your farm.
That's how I add roosters and there are rarely any problems when they've all grown up together in the same flock. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that if they haven't been all raised in the same flock that adding a new older juvenile/adult rooster could cause some serious, serious fighting between the two. Best of luck with your new guy!
Thanks! Yea I understand. IAnd you know, they're all going in the stew pot. I've decided to stick wIt's my purebred blue Copper Marans and eat the mixed roosters. I've decided to focus on my olive Egger program. I'm getting a cream legbar pullet and will start from there.

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