White Easter Egger?

Did she look any thing like this this is my white/yellow EE

I will have to get pictures tomorrow. I have 2 white EE's. One pullet named Polar and one roo named Bear. Figured it was fitting to use a name like Polar Bear for both of them since they will most likely be together.
Not sure how old this one is. Not sure of gender either. I am sure its a pretty bird and scared of everything. My 7 inch tall banty game chicks bully this bird.


I have to join in! I have a fun solid white EE, too! Her name is Lulu Belle. I SWEAR she's solid white, but we've been getting lots of rain and she absolutely loves rolling in mud.

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I was told these were Red Sex Link chicks when I bought them from the local feed shop. I bought them w/3 "regular" EE's. Now I'm thinking I have all EE's. Thoughts?? Looking to identify these two.

This is my white eater egger Georgia. Any thoughts on what she could be mixed with? Ameraucana and ??

A couple months back I came home and found Georgia making a very weird noise and looking distressed...It sounded like a hiccup and like she swallowed a dog squeaky toy. Since I had no idea what to do ..and could tell she was very uncomfortable I brought her to the vet. Although we never figured out exactly what was wrong with her (the vet thinks something was stuck in her croup) she healed after a few days and is now and and about with the rest of the girls.

Georgia starting to feel better at the vets

(Teenage picture)

Ready to move out of my room....


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