White Easter Egger?

Can I play? This is Hen Solo. My girl isn't solid white (she has subtle buff lacing on the tips of her very white feathers...when she came I thought she was one of the Buff O or the Delaware...lol...then I saw her muff....she is the biggest and top of the pecking order of my flock (...to me she's very very sweet!

He is my beautiful Priscilla, the white EE laying pullet
She is supper skittish but I love her anyway
She just started laying gorgeous blueish-green eggs. Got her from my Orp breeder.

Here she is with her splash Orp sisters...

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Thanks carpe. I am very surprised and excited we have an EE. Is that common for the feed store to not know what breed they gave you? I mean they had a list of 5 breeds on the container the chicks were in and it didn't even list EE as a breed that was in there.
Seems kinda weird, but most EE's look like chipmunks... white is rare. Maybe the mistake was at the hatchery, and they made their best guess where the little yellow chick was supposed to go. I was very confused among my 6 breeds trying to sort them out with one being a white EE.
So I'm curious because I know very little about chickens... If our Snowball is an EE as some people on here suspect then I should not expect her to have wattles and she will just have a peacomb? Here is what she looks like today, I think she's starting to squat so I'm wondering if I should be expecting eggs from her soon. What do you think?

Carpe I sure hope it's soon. I'm seriously on pins and needles here. I'm glad one of my girls is laying already but I really can't wait to see some other eggs!

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