White Easter Egger?

That is so funny! I had the girl at Ideal mark each chick (i got 4 different kinds) and I had no idea why I had 2 Buff Orps, and they were marked differently, and I was missing a EE... oops. I thought that the grey marking on the chick's forehead was just natural markings....
I orders day old EE's from Myers about 1 month ago. I had 3 chicks that started out blonde and turned white like that one. They are completly white now. Very pretty if I do say so myself.
My nearly white chick turned out to be all white. She is a beauty! Clean-faced, very sleek, all white, with green legs. One of my favorites of all my chickens!
We've got 2 of those from our feed store, and they get theirs from Ideal. They are about 1 to 2 weeks old. They have the puffy cheeks too. Looks like your baby. I asked if they were pullets, and she told me that those were the only ones they were not sure about.
Sure hope they are, or I'll have to find a good home for them!
I LOVE WHITE EE'S!!!! If i got chickens i would get one!
Whenever i go to my feed store and look at the chicks for fun, i always see if i can find a ee that is pale yellow as a chick, and i always do!!! And i can tell if they will turn out white..!! LOVE THEM
I hatched some of my EE eggs and got a pure white EE as well. I also think mine is a roo, but I'm planning on keeping him.

Here's a picture of my "broody" Delaware mix step-momma, Churkey, who does all our hatching and her two EE hatchlings.

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I've got a beautiful white EE. Her name is Angel because her wings look like angel's wings. I need to get an updated pic, but she is just the sweetest thing.

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