White Leghorn, the forgotten breed

My leghorns have been slow to lay this year (cold, and I gave them no light, and they are older).... so I haven't yet hatched a bunch of oeghorn chicks....

Cant wait.

We are going to be in the 90's here today. I'm getting so many eggs they are coming out of my ears. I just hatched some White Leghorn chicks as well as my SC and RC RIR chicks and my RC RIW chicks. Chicks and more chicks everywhere. My nice White Leghorn male died a few months ago so I got another nice male from a breeder for my girls.
I'll take some cooler weather. We have had an exceptionally warm winter this year. Last year the opposite.
I'll have to look up his name. I found him on BYC. I researched before I got them. I wanted to make sure I was getting true Leghorns and not Partridge Rocks again. The chicks do look very similar. I'll let you know when I get my first egg. My White males did mature faster than my other breeds. Don't know yet about how the Browns will. They were straight run. I hope I have at least a couple of females.
Not very good pictures. This is my male. He didn't want to pose. I went into his pen and he wouldn't cooperate so I went outside to see if he would calm down some.

How do you think he would do in a show? Thinking about entering him when the shows start in the fall. Also looking forward to see how the chicks grow out. I hatched out around 3 dozen. I'll keep the best.

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