White Leghorn, the forgotten breed

This is Dora and Diego, my two WLHs from TSA.

Diego is the alpha of my flock and though life with him has not always been a picnic I wouldn't trade him for all the roosters in the world. Stubborn almost to a fault he and I butted heads for months before he realized that I was not a threat to his family - and all of the chickens are his family, new and old, he watches out for the all. He worries about his girls, standing in the doorway of the coop while they lay and giving up the best treats for them, he's on constant watch for predators...we had a hawk this summer and now he's obsessive about watching the sky and even more over protective than ever. He tolerates my other two roosters - Prince Eric (BO and 2nd in command) and Cricket, a strange little bantam araucana mix who seems to exist outside of the pecking order. We also hatched out four BO chicks in November and he makes sure that the other chickens don't pick on them too much. Pecking order stuff is okay but if they chase them or make them cry out then he steps in and scolds them and will sometimes even stand over the chicks while they eat.

I love this rooster.

Dora mostly keeps to herself...unless there are treats involved. She's not at the top of the pecking order, but her status as Diego's main girl keeps her from the bottom. She lays a big beautiful white egg every day. She did, however go on a four month hiatus after a rough 2nd year molt, but now she's back to laying like a trooper. I hope to have chicks from the two of them this spring.

*edited because the "m" got stuck.
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i got my new girls friday only 19 weeks and one is already laying :)

they are still a little small do you think they will get a bit bigger?

They look normal to me. Hens are usually between 4-5 lbs. Chickens are fully matured at around 9 months, so you have plenty of time. Buy good quality feed, add some poultry vitamins-probiotics in the water 3 days a week and it will help them.
This is Foghorn. The sweetest chicken I've ever had. I love my foggy boy
He's a beaut! Out of six straight run chicks I ended up with 5 cockerels and only 1 pullet. At least I have plenty of potential dads! I hope they turn out as grand looking as yours.

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