White Leghorn, the forgotten breed

This is from Wikipedia:
Leghorns are good layers of white eggs, laying an average of 280 per year and sometimes reaching 300–320.[1] They have a good feed-to-egg conversion ratio, needing around 125 grams per day of feed. Leghorns rarely exhibit broodiness and are thus well suited for uninterrupted egg laying. The Leghorn is a light breed that matures quickly; it is not considered a viable meat producer. Leghorns are active and efficient foragers. They typically avoid human contact and tend to be nervous and flighty.
Due to their prolific egg-laying, they are preferred by laboratories for embryonic and avian biological research.

Here is the Rock chicken's to compare:

Plymouth Rocks are large, long-lived chickens. Some varieties are good layers while others are bred principally for meat. They possess a long, broad back; a moderately deep, full breast; and yellow skin and legs. The hens have a deep, full abdomen, which is a sign of a good layer. The face of a Plymouth Rock is red with red ear lobes, a bright yellow beak, bay-colored eyes, and a single comb of moderate size. Their feathers are fairly loosely held but not so long as to easily tangle. The chicken's bottom feathers are soft and downy, like baby chicks feathers.
In terms of temperament, both roosters and hens are calm and will get along well with people and other animals such as pets. The hens often will go broody if in the right environment, and are good mothers.

I hope this can help you! :)
I just wanted to weigh in here, I have 10 different breeds right now and my Leghorns are fantastic layers. They are only 6 months old, they lay daily and I get many double yolks. I wish I had more of these great birds.
I am pretty sure my girls are white leghorns but the lay nice brown eggs from creamy white to dark with speckles. Are they mixed with something perhaps. I did not purchase them myself and I was never told their breed by anyone with experience.

Definitely not Leghorns. Could be White Rocks.

Leghorns are light, gracile birds, whose combs should lop over. My way of identifying them is if the birds jump up and down and eat each other, and run like the blazes from people, they're Leghorns. B^) {The above is facetious and is intended as satire.}
this girls is white leghorn cross with Wheaton malay
My one hen out of 4 just started to lay yesterday they are big white eggs they are really gorgeous but my hens are 5 months old and they still dont have huge crowns but there growing fast

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