White Leghorn, the forgotten breed

The feathers over his ears are white. The skin down below the ears looks red in that photo....
I'm not seeing the enamel white earlobes that are indicative of Leghorns, even when the photo is enlarged.
The feathers over his ears are white. The skin down below the ears looks red in that photo....
I'm not seeing the enamel white earlobes that are indicative of Leghorns, even when the photo is enlarged.

Believe me, I guarantee he is a White Leghorn even though you can't see the white earlobes, they are there.All of the eggs I have hatched from my boy's girls are White Leghorn. I have several little cockerels that need homes. As far as my other breeds, some of the males go to freezer camp, but wouldn't get much meat off of the Leghorns. I do raise Rose Comb Rhode Island Whites too.

I agree it is rare for a Leghorn to go broody. None of my females have but there could be a first time. Most of my Leghorns that hatched turned out to be males.
She went broody after one of her hatchmates died unexpectedly. Maybe out of he sarrow she went broody. Her other hatchmate started to molt and get very aggressive, sent her to live with a friend. Soon she'll have babies to take care of and won't be lonely anymore. I'll post pics as soon as they hatch.
I have a broody Leghorn, Crazy Right!! I gave her 2 EE eggs to hatch. They should hatch by Wednesday, hope she's a good Mom!!

I was surprised when I had a Leghorn go broody on me last summer. I couldn't keep her out of the nest. At the same time, I had two other broodies sitting on a few eggs while I waited for some chicks I ordered to arrive. I gave the chicks to the two broodies to adopt and when I noticed that a few of the eggs they had been sitting on were actually developing (I didn't know some of my boys were more mature then I thought), I didn't want to lose the eggs, so I thought I would take a chance on letting my Leghorn try finish the job.

My leghorn hatched three chicks after only having to sit on the eggs for about 10 days. She seemed very pleased with her new chicks. She did jump out of the maternity pen once, though, and couldn't get back in. I didn't realize it until I found her in the coop in a nest box there. Luckily it was warm enough and the chicks were fine, but mama was very happy to let me put her back in with them, at which time I just decided to let them all out of the maternity pen. She did a great job raising them and protecting them from the others.

It was humorous seeing a skinny Leghorn leading her chicks around. It isn't common for a Leghorn to go broody, but I know from experience it can happen and they can do the job well.

Good luck.
Captain Jack is coming up on 11 weeks now. He was supposed to be a girl, but he had other plans. When do leghorns typically start laying? I have six white leghorn pullets the same age that are getting very pink in the face. Captain jack has been crowing beautifully and is all comb.


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